[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/m7f08O1.png?1[/img] [b]Axum, Green Sahara, 1218 AD[/b][/center] "It is a great honor to finally be able to speak with you," The clack of a ceramic cup against the wooden table run throughout the tent, bathed internally with sunlight filtered through thin red and white cloth. The [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/ultimatepopculture/images/c/cb/KPSA_Ali_Al_Saachez.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090726201259]younger of the two men[/url], head covered with a white cloth and curled auburn hair took a sip of the drink, the refreshing mint contrasting against the heat. The older man, dressed only in simple cloth, with long black hair hanging in tight curls down to his waist, and glowing green eyes that contrasted against his black skin, smiled in response to his guest's words. "Tell me, my friend..." The other man interjected, "Please, your holiness, call me Kikkuli." An eyebrow was raised when the man uttered out his name. "So, you are a Hurrian?" Kikkuli shook his head, "My father was a Hurrian, but I am of Bnei Yisra'el by the blood of my mother." "It seems unbefitting for a Ben Yisra'el to bear the name of a Gentile." Kikkuli nodded in agreement, "I cannot help it, I was raised among them, I speak their tongue and it colors the thoughts in my head." The thought was broken by another sip of tea before he continued. "Among my people, there is hardly a man outside of the Yeshiva who can speak a word of the old language. I must say it gives me great pleasure in my heart that we may conduct this conversation in the Leshon Qodesh." "So tell me, Kikkuli. Why have you come all this way from The Sahara to my abode?" "When I heard rumors that the Messiah himself had revealed himself to the south, I was compelled to see the proof for myself." Kikkuli's expression changed from a mirthful smile to something far more serious. "I have seen the zealous followers, and I have seen your displays of magic, but this is not enough to distinguish a true Messiah from a common magician. Tell me, do you deserve to bear the claim that [i]Immanu El[/i] 'God is Among us'?" Emmanuel smiled at his guest, unphased by the man's skepticism, "My name was bestowed upon me by an angel of the lord, but I will be more than happy to satisfy your doubts, scholar." "Does the blood of David run its course in you?" "I testify before the lord that I am of the seed of David." Kikkuli's expression remained unchanged "And your purpose?" "I shall lead the true believers from this exile in Abyssinia to crush the Egyptian domination of our holy lands under the undeserving Hasmoneans." Kikkuli ceased his questioning, "Very well, you have stated your blood and your reason to be, yet, Emmanuel, will you not show me a miracle of my own?" As if he was prepared for the request, Emmanuel took hold of Kikkuli's hands, as his own glowed with the same green color of his eyes, the energy seeming to seep out of his hands, and into those of the other. The intensity burned like molten iron though the flesh of Kikkuli, who gritted his teeth in agony, though in only a few seconds that agony gave way to a gentle warmth, as the man's eyes turned from their natural black into a glowing green like that of Emmanuel. Kikkuli caught sight of his altered form in a bronze mirror behind the prophet. "By God, what have you done to me?" Emmanuel smiled, "I have given you the same power of miracles that the Angel bestowed upon me." Kikkuli was intrigued, looking over to the still steaming cup of tea, the man instinctively raised his hand, and as if by magic, the drink was frozen in an instant. "You...You truly are Melek Mashiach!" The man exclaimed as Emmanuel nodded in agreement. "And you, oh Kikkuli, will be the greatest of my followers, the one who will stand at my right. But the name of a Hurrian will not suffice for a man of your status. And so, on this day forth, you will not hold the name of a stranger, but will be known as [i]My Messenger[/i], Malachi." [center][b]Axum, Green Sahara, 1250 AD[/b] [sub][@Double][/sub] [/center] The two newcomers would be met with the total paralysis of their limbs, falling to the floor like mannequins as soon as they had entered into the new world, as a bolt of magic hit, spilling all throughout their bodies. Malachi's brow furrowed, as he watched the remainder of the portal finally dissipate away, falling out of existence without so much as leaving anything left of the soft, gummy material that had produced it. "A shame," he mused, "though we are fortunate to have recovered more. And furthermore, I am quite fortunate to have acquired a little souvenir from the other side." he spoke as he approached the two new arrivals. The would still be conscious, Malachi had made certain of that. "Welcome, you will find there is no hope of escape, so you should not expend any needless energy attempting. It is fortunate that you have arrived, I have been in need of appropriate test subjects." The mage held his hands over the two young men, feeling the great magical power that radiated off of the two. Then, a surprise. The faint feeling of something unusual, something intense yet implacable. Both of these men were in possession of artifacts of great power, yet they were somehow intangible, the mage felt these ephemeral curios and yet they were unable to be placed. No matter, it would be something to investigate at a later date. "You wouldn't know it, but there is a shortage of subjects who have any kind of affinity for magic, they are quite fragile to it. But you, I'm sure you will do just fine." The conversation was cut short by an interjection, "Lord Malachi, we have received word from a messenger that the lords of Mecca are requesting a public audience with you to discuss the terms of their surrender." Malachi's expression fluctuated from anger and disappointment to pleasant surprise once again. "Very well, I will depart for the City immediately. Rago will report with me as well." The Magus' attention returned back to the two brothers. "Hmmm, I may have another use for you yet. And in truth, only one will truly be necessary." With a flick of his hand, Malachi opened a tear into the wall of his laboratory, the fissure splitting open into a portal, though the appearance of the gate was remarkably different from the misty, evaporating one that had transported the brothers, instead having a far more stable appearance, like that of a glass window. With the other hand, Malachi levitated the two stiff bodies, carrying them with him as he crossed over the threshold. [center][b]Renovation's Might, Renovation[/b] [sub][@Gentlemanvaultboy][/sub] [/center] For a man who had spent the better part of his later life raiding and pilfering sea vessels for a living, Hirutila had a special dislike for conflict. As if chaos was following him, as Felix began his impromptu [i]"lesson"[/i] on Asher, the sounds of commotion began to disappear in the other room. There was little need to sneak out, he was sure Felix could care less about his presence. The old pirate returned just in time to get the general gist of what their leader was divulging on the next destination. However, the names meant close to nothing to Hirutila. When the time came to ask about splitting into teams, Hirutila responded upon his return. "I'll go with Georgia after this Hitler.", He had little comprehension on why he should choose this tyrant over the other, but something inside of him was pushing him in that direction as if some fated encounter was to transpire. The old man rolled his eyes at Tocsax's obtuse propositioning. Perhaps he was too cynical in the topic of romance for his own good, but he felt a bit of annoyance of the idea of the certainty of the young party getting distracted in the throes of emotion and passion. He was annoyed at himself for getting caught up in it when he was around their ages, with nothing more to show for it than a collection of estranged descendants. At least this Agni character had the social skills to match his would-be suitor. Maybe they would make a good couple after all. The old man chuckled to himself at the thought. The trip would be a long one, he was sure. The old man would need something to keep himself occupied until they got there. Looking around, he caught sight of something that brought the first real smile to his face in years. A chess board, affixed to a table. The game looked unloved, though he would be sure to change that. He wondered, who among this motley crew would be a good opponent. Hirutila went to proposition Georgia to play a game with him, though it was immediately obvious that the girl had something else on her mind. Ah yes, the dinosaur, there was a distinct lack of her companion. "Probably went looking for food," he mused over to the girl, "Animals are usually like that." He may not have understood just what exactly the creature was, but he knew that if there was anything that would be common among all living things, it was a predisposition to seek out a nice snack any chance they got. Hirutila caught sight of the stain of blood on the girl's sleeve, though he said nothing for the time being.