[@DocRock] [@Pyromaniacwolf] [@Dusksong] [hr][h3]Chapter I[/h3]"Nearly snagging a boot on one of the roots that had erupted from the ground, you pause and listen. The strange ambient silence is broken only by the sound of trickling water. Orienting yourself toward it, you begin to pursue the noise in the hopes it really is as it appears, something to quench your dry thirst and your parched lips. Much to your joy, you find that it is no auditory hallucination, no mirage in the desert of the mind, but that there is indeed some amount of water. The thicker plant life and humidity in the air was an indication, as was the deeper you pressed inland toward the upstart of this hill." "Now, with fingers trembling, you begin to think about your situation carefully. Dangers might lie awaiting near water or they might well not at all. To think of it, not a single animal have you seen thus far, but does that truly mean it is safe? Uncertain of this and still desperately thirsty, you hang precariously in the balance of many decisions on how to approach this situation. The anxiety making you rub the spine of the book."