[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi5hMzNhMDAuUzJGMFlYSnBibUUsLjA,/propaniac.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] Sonofabitch- The hell was that thing? Rina barely managed to avoid being kitty chow, thanks to the help of Mika. [color=chocolate]"Argh, thanks...I really need to repay you with a doughnut..."[/color] She replied with a mild huff. Really, she should have seen that coming. Readying her bow, Rina looked over to the monster girl and Sil once more. Things were taking a fairly grave turn. The crypt was floating into the air and some...beacon members seemed to be showing up. Well, that was good - more backup for fighting these things. For now she contented herself focusing on the big cat that attacked her, namely trying to pick off its rider while avoiding getting pounced on. [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjExNi5lMTE0ZmYuUTJoc2IyVWdTWEoyYVc1bklBLCwuMA,,/btx-ornstein.ornstein.png[/img][/center] [hr] Ah, she was cute. So cute. Chloe really was disappointed she couldn't spend a little more personal time with Helga. Maybe later, when she wasn't busy being a hero. For now, someone much more important was in trouble. The Lucent Chimaera sprinted through the graveyard, using one of its spider arms to lift the recently remade magical girl Divina to lay on its back. It was injured, but it hadn't the capacity to care - and soon they had arrived on the field. She was vaguely aware of Divina regaining consciousness, but she was focused on something else entirely. Where was Penny? Where was-! Rage slowly began filling her veins as she saw that monster attack her precious Penny. Not. Happening. Focused on her Penny, Chloe ignored everything else. She was vaguely aware of some sneaky people on the field, but she ignored them. She was going to save Penny. [color=violet]"Lucy! Dinner time! New girl, just try not to get killed!"[/color] With a vicious, high pitched roar the Lucent Chimaera aimed to tackle Regina from the side. Using its impressive strength and arms, it would try to grapple Regina, its corrosive breaths attempting to rot her flesh and scales while it would try to take chunks out of her flesh with its maw. Divina had managed to leap off the beast, stumbling onto the ground some distance away. She still seemed a little out of it. Chloe bolted towards Penny, her crystalline wings carrying her. She was fast enough. Of course she would be. She couldn't fail. Even if she got a little signed, she didn't mind. It was for love, after all. [color=violet]"Hup!"[/color] Chloe's feet barely touched the ground as she scooped Penny up in her arms, if timed right the Chimaera would have impacted Regina right at the same time, hopefully throwing off her breath attack. [color=violet]"Hey, love."[/color] Chloe smirked. [color=violet]"You look like you had the unfun kind of tumble in the bed."[/color] Not taking a chance to linger, she darted back to where Divina was while Regina was hopefully distracted.