Phoebus stared at the little red creature. It looked like no dragon [i]he'd[/i] ever read about, but demons were said to have the ability to shapeshift in order to ensnare unwitting souls, and pitiful as the burst itself had been, to conjur up hellfire at all [i]did[/i] require a certain amount of infernal power... The knight gripped the pommel of his sword, calculating how dangerous this strange warrior and her protective spirit might be-- A flash of movement in his peripheral almost made him draw his weapon by reflex, but he quickly caught himself. No good to start a scuffle when things had finally started to calm down. Phoebus raised an eyebrow at the soldiers, who came running back with a load of clothes almost before everyone had had a chance to take another turn speaking. One of the squad leaders shrugged. "There was a man selling his clothes at the gate. Said he felt a call to be priest and wouldn't need them." Another smirked, thinking of how much exercise they'd just avoided by not having to run all over the city, on either errands or morning laps. And also something else... "Almost as if Our Lady set up a small miracle, just for our benefit. Sir," he added quickly. The captain nodded and stroked his beard thoughtfully. "So it would seem. Very well, you are all dismissed. Oh, and you'll all be happy to know that Poilu DeGénie has graciously volunteered to do your laundry this evening, so aside from your standard quarters maintenance, you are duty free for the rest of the evening." Only one soldier had the good graces to feel enough pity for DeGénie to let it be seen on his face. As the others excitedly saluted and turned to leave, Phoebus called out, "One more thing." They all stopped and turned slowly back to him. None of them wanted to point out they'd already been dismissed. "As I understand it, priests and nuns give their worldly possessions to the poor, rather than selling them. So I should think I won't be needing to reimburse you for the cost of the clothing, after all." Several soldiers immediately looked dejected, but they all saluted him one last time before leaving. Phoebus glanced back at the... dragon, and made the executive decision to ignore it for the moment. He was not yet drunk enough to handle that. Plus, everyone else here seemed not to have too much of a problem, and none of them really struck him as devil-worshipping heathens. Well, heathens, maybe, but that didn't necessarily mean they were evil. He cleared his throat. "Most of the official and... more reputable, establishments have closed for the night. I can cover your cost to stay at the... inn, and help you find what you need in the morning." He glanced at Kuzco's guard, some of whom were already attempting to wrestle their way into their hose, while others just stared at the clothing in much the same way Phoebus had been staring at... whatever it had said its name was. "We may need to rent out all the rooms, and everything therein," he continued. "You can repay me when your coins have been exchanged. Or... You can repay me in other ways." He grinned in a way that was either meant to be endearing, or charming, or displaying jest. Possibly all three.