[Center] [H1][color=plum]Laurien[/color][/h1] & [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/divinus-iii/images/d/df/Shengshi-logo.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/310?cb=20190112093445[/img] [h1]Shengshi[/h1] [/center] [hr] The Nanhe was wide, far wider then she had ever imagined. She couldn't even see the other bank from the shore she stood upon. She let a out a shrill whistle, once again amazed at how the gods worked. For who else other then the River Lord had molded such a thing? It was his domain after all. Much to her disappointment however, she saw nothing but the flowing of water and occasional bird. There was no ‘boat’ as Orvus had called it. It was a stark realization that she had to keep going, on foot this time to avoid any more unwanted attention. Her body still ached from the fight, and her wound was just beginning to close. It would definitely scar, and upon her black skin it showed white. Odd, but nothing she couldn't live with. So Laurien walked at a meager pace, occasionally resting when she felt the need. She found her thoughts drifting back to the fight. What she could have done differently, how she could have avoided being wounded, and what her dagger had done. It seemed to break the creatures mind, slowly and perhaps painfully. She felt a twang of regret at that but it was either that, or she would have been killed. Probably devoured too. It was a necessary death in the grand scheme of things. The reptile had put up a good fight, after all and Laurien had learned an important lesson, that she was capable of killing. As night fell upon Galbar, Laurien floated up into a tree. Now resting on a branch that could hold her, she leaned against the trunk and looked out over the river again. So large, and there was no telling how long it was. It'd be so easy to fly but there was no telling what else might attack her and as much as she hated to admit it, she wasn't in the best condition to go at it again. She let out a soft sigh, before drifting off to sleep. [hr] Laurien woke up at a powerful poke to her ribs. As her eyes flared open, she found herself surrounded by ball-like creatures with frog-legs and arms stretching twice as long as they were tall. The closest let out a curious “ook” and poked her again. Laurien blinked, a smirk falling on her face as she said, [color=plum]”You're not Silver.”[/color] she then poked the nearest one back and said, [color=plum]”Ook”[/color] The nearest one let out a scream and threw its hands into the air as it retreated behind its friends. The pack began to snort and growl and bang their hands into the tree in a drumming manner. One of them reached out to slap her on the arm, ooking in a taunting manner. Laurien had began to laugh as they retreated and growled, finding it funny how easily they were offended. But when the slap came, her demeanor changed to a frown. It didn't hurt in the slightest, but now she could tell that they were no longer playing. She let out a sigh then rolled off the tree and floated to the ground with a soft thump. She turned back up to the creatures and said, [color=plum]”Fine! Have it your way, I'll leave. No sense in playing with grumpy things.”[/color] The creatures calmed down as she dropped from their tree, returning to their curious ooks. However, swiftly thereafter, they skipped off between the branches, wailing and whooping as they went. In between the foliage, rumbling shadows stomped branches and leaves, creating a ruckus. The sky above the trees filled with screaming birds. A few boars ran past her in a hurry. “Well, now, what do we have here?” came a voice from the nearby river. Laurien went tense as the animals began to ran, and squeal. She recognized that something was coming, something that disturbed them, gave them alarm. instinctively she went for her sword and at the sound of the voice she turned. The snake slithered out of the waters with a curious frown and ran his eyes up and down Laurien’s stature. He took a deep breath through the nose and hummed. “Mortal… With a distinct, familiar smell of…” He sucked in another breath and his eyes fell on the scabbard. “Tell me, what are you doing in my jungle, daughter of Orvus?” Laurien slowly let her hand fall to her side as she eyed the snake like figure of the River Lord. It was different then what she had seen before, but in the good sort of way. A faint smile pursed her lips as she said, [color=plum]”Why, looking for you of course, your Holiness.”[/color] she finished, bowing her head at him. The snake pursed his lips and slithered a little closer. “It is no kowtow, but in truth, I did not expect my brother to teach you such refined manners. That can wait, however: Firstly, I would like to know your name, dear.” He gestured for her to speak. She had no idea what a kowtow was, but at least she hadn't greatly offended the God. Not yet anyways. [Color=plum]”My name is Laurien, your holiness. Second of Orvus, and his Celestial Will.”[/color] she said with pride. “Second to Orvus? Please, no mortal may ever consider themself second to a god,” the snake muttered with a sneer. “Surely you mean second -mortal creation- of Orvus.” At this Laurien laughed, [color=plum]”Second to a God? Oh no, no. Of Orvus, your holiness. I simply meant as a child. I've seen what the Gods are capable off, and I can scarcely dream of being second to any of them. I am nothing in the face of you, your holiness.”[/color] she finished with a sly smile. “Oh, -of- Orvus. Oh, do forgive me, dear,” the snake said with a smirk and a bump of the eyebrows. “My arrogance filter has been working overtime of late, so I have an unfortunate tendency to make assumptions. I apologise for painting you as such.” He ran his eyes over her form once more. “Now for the second question: Why have you been seeking me?” [Color=plum]”All is forgiven, your holiness. There is hardly a need to apologize. Now, I've been seeking you out for a simple reason really and her name is Arya. Last thing I was told, was that she was with you, your holiness.”[/color] Laurien said softly, with a longing look in her eye. “I see,” the snake said curtly with a pinch of disappointment in his voice. “Then I must sadly admit that I will be of little service: I have not seen Anxin, or Arya as you call her, since she ran away. I did not see the direction she went in, either, I fear. My apologies.” He joined his hands together behind his back and put on a stern frown. Laurien frowned, bringing a hand to her chin in thought. Looks like her father had outdated information, which meant her journey would be much, much longer. She briefly thought of Silver before her attention fell back on Shengshi. [Color=plum]”Well, this is puts a damper on things. Why'd she run away to begin with?”[/color] she asked. The snake furrowed his brow and poked his teeth with a claw. “She was bombarded with a few too many truths at the time - a young, mortal mind like hers simply could not bear it. Her heart shattered and fury consumed her. In a fit of rage, she tarnished the deck of my ship and soared off. I carry no ill sentiment - anger fits happen, especially to the uninitiated - however, I cannot say the same for the relatives of the servants that died in the explosion. She likely did not return due to the shame being too great. It was indeed quite a loss of face.” He shook his head. “Such a waste…” Laurien was taken aback by the news, though she did not show it. She could hardly believe that Arya was capable of doing such a thing, but the only knowledge she had was from Orvus’ memories. His memories painted her as a small, fragile thing that needed guidance and protection but also full of wonder and joy, happiness and contentment. Orvus had no shown her the rage, or the anger it seemed, and she was left with many questions, a few she could guess at. She let out a soft sigh, then said, [color=plum]”I was hoping this would be easy, but you have my condolences. The loss of life is no easy thing to witness, and to bare it… She must have regretted it the moment she left. I refuse to believe she would not return, her heart is full of compassion. Something must have happened, and no one looked for her? She is but a child, your holiness. Surely you can do something?”[/color] Laurien said. The snake sighed. “Have you met your sister, dear, or did my brother reveal to you his memories of her?” [Color=plum]”Only memories, your Holiness. Some I fear were kept from me.”[/color] The snake nodded solemnly. “Yes, as I thought… You see, dear, your creator Orvus, as he may have told you, has actually spent a terribly short time with his daughter - so short, in fact, that I doubt he would know her at all. She has a compassionate heart, that is true, but know that there is much more than just a child within that soul of hers. Her emotions are beautiful… And volatile.” He sucked in a breath through his nose. “If it is a fragile, aimless infant you are chasing, that you will find nothing of the sort in this world - Anxin is a powerful entity, brave, honest - a tad naive, perhaps.” He flicked his tongue. “Is that helpful?” [Color=plum]”In more ways than you know, your holiness.”[/color] Laurien said happily. [Color=plum]”I need to find her, for both myself and my father. But I have no idea which direction to go now, this world is vast and she could be anywhere. Where do I even start?”[/color] she said scrunching her nose in thought. The snake shrugged. “Again, I fear I cannot help you in that respect. I doubt, however, that she would have returned to Kalmar on Kalgrun, so that leaves out one continent. You likely would have found her on Atokhekwoi, and I have not sensed her presence locally. That leaves Istais and Swahitteh-Tendlepog for you to search.” He gave her a sly smile. “Quite the journey, that. Would you like some provisions for the road, perhaps?” Laurien nodded, [color=plum]”I understand, I’ll have to think about it some. Now, if you could spare any provisions, your holiness, I would be indebted. Ever since my fight with firebreather, I’ve been taking it slow, haven’t had much time to find any food besides the occasional fruit.”[/color] The snake nodded. “Any guest in need shall always have a seat at my tables.” He snapped his fingers. After a small pause, a growing speck of gold zoomed down Nanhe’s length, quickly growing from a grain on the horizon to a ship larger than any eye could perceive. The snake climbed up the side and beckoned Laurien up. “Come, for all has been prepared.” Laurien was dumbfounded at the sudden spectacle. It seemed that the boat, had found her, and it was hard to miss. She was impressed by it, for it was a work of art, and she was lucky enough to bare witness. Without wasting any time, she followed the snake up, preparing herself for whatever awaited. The deck had been decorated with flowers and paper cut-outs of the characters for “joy”, “wealth” and “fortune”. At the centre of the broad deck stood a long table stacked tall with dishes and plates of near-intoxicatingly fragrant food. The palace gates were flanked by two tall barrels labeled with the character for “wine”. On the far edge towards the dragon’s head stood a tall throne upholstered with red silk - on the opposite edge of the table was a lesser throne, but a throne nonetheless. Shengshi slithered over to the largest one and sat down, gesturing to the other seat. “Please,” he said with a flick of the tongue. Much like before, she was amazed at the sight, and her eyes went wide as she saw all the food. It made her stomach rumble as she realized just how hungry she actually was. She began to salivate as she neared the table of food, on her way to the throne. When she stood before it, she cocked her head, looked at Shengshi with a wink and sat down. It was very comfortable. She let out a happy sigh and said, [color=plum]”My oh my, you sure know how to treat a girl, your holiness.”[/color] “One of my most refined talents, that,” the snake said absent-mindedly as he inspected his claws for dirt. “The role of the host is not one I take lightly, dear - no guest of mine should expect any less than the most abundant luxury attainable. Naturally, however, this necessitates that the guest plays the part.” He snapped his fingers again and six servants exited the gates carrying an unusually long twilight-blue silk dress. “Please, try it on.” She let out a small ‘ooo’ before standing back up, and placing her sword and dagger next to the throne. She then stripped off her cloak, her long hair falling down her back, once more free to breathe. Perhaps most notably, (besides the giant naked lady), was the gash along her side. As she put on the dress, the wound became hidden, and she turned to Shengshi with a beaming smile. [color=plum]”How do I look?”[/color] “Stellar,” the snake said with a sly smile. “Did that foul dragon challenge your abilities to a satisfactory level?” He grasped a pair of chopsticks, pinched a piece of fish and put it in his mouth. As Laurien sat back down, she grabbed the strange wooden utensil and began to attack a plate of sliced pig with them. [color=plum]”Dragon, huh? That’s a good name. It was a good fight, a challenge, but I’m here, and it’s not. I’ll never forget him though, he made sure of that.”[/color] she said absentmindedly, eventually skewering the meat upon the stick, and plopping it in her mouth. She chewed, savoring every little flavor before gulping it down, and attacking it again. [color=plum]”Who was the one that created them, your holiness?”[/color] she asked before skewering another piece. “That would be Sartravius--” He licked the bitter taste of the name out of his mouth. “Whom I prefer to call ‘the Flame Demon’, for he is nothing else. Also, you pinch the food with the sticks - pinch it.” He snapped his sticks together to demonstrated. “It is no knife, like some certain barbarians use.” [color=plum]”Well, I have a knife. Are you calling me a barbarian, your holiness?”[/color] she huffed playfully before replicating his demonstration. This time she practiced on a slice of fish. She tentatively took a bite, before eating the entire thing. Much like the pork, the fish was delicious and salty. “Well, your manners and etiquette are lacking, and your tone is pushing the limits between humility and arrogance, but…” He eyed her up and down again. “... You look the part, at least,” he said and smirked slyly. [color=plum]”Careful now, your holiness. You might just flatter me and we can’t have a barbarian being flattered. All sorts of bad ideas arise.”[/color] she said with a wink. It was then that she brought her cup to her lips and tasted the liquid within. A surprised look came on her face, before she downed it all and said, [color=plum]”Now that, was delicious. What ever on Galbar might that be?”[/color] she asked blinking. “That would be wine, my dear - an invention of mine from, oh my, a long time ago by now. It is a drink made with fermented fruits or grain through the use of yeasts - small fungi that feast on the sugars in these substances and create the most wonderful compound on this world: alcohol. Try that pitcher. No, no, no, that one.” The snake gestured frantically to a golden pitcher shaped like a curved dragon. She hurriedly poured herself a cup from the golden pitcher and brought it to her lips. The flavour was round and rich, if not a little dry. It carried a powerful fruity foretaste and mellowed into a gentle, sweet, lasting aftertaste. With every sip, the aftertaste grew lighter and softer, like the tender caress of a dozing lover. The snake nodded in approval. “Comment?” Once again Laurien finished off the cup and looked at Shengshi with a devilish grin. [Color=plum]”So good, so good. Who could have believed that fruit could taste soooooo good.”[/color] she mused, pouring another cup and downing it in one go. [Color=plum]”It's so easy to drink.”[/color] she snickered while pouring another cup. The snake smiled widely. “Please, have as much as you want. There is enough of that particular vintage to fill the main tub of the bathhouse.” He pinched a steamed dumpling, dipped it in some sauce and lobbed it into his mouth. “Oh, and do not be afraid to request anything else. Whatever you may want, you shall have.” Her eyes seemed to sparkle at Shengshi, a soft but inviting smile crossed her lips as she said, [Color=plum]”Mhmm. A bath with wine sounds heavenly, your holiness.”[/color] “Your wish shall be granted,” the snake said with a soft smile and closed eyes. He snapped his fingers again and two servants came over to Laurien, placed themselves on her left and right and bowed deeply. One held a towel and the other held a white silk bathrobe. “If The Exalted Guest would follow these ones,” they said in near-mechanical unison. She giggled, [Color=plum]”Oh how adorable, and so tiny.”[/color] but began to follow them. Laurien then turned back to Shengshi and said, [color=plum]”Oh, anything I want? Then will you join me, your holiness?”[/color] she said with soft eyes and wink. The snake smirked, then let out a soft sigh. “Alas, my dear, I do not bathe with mortals. Not all bodies should be so… Intimate with one another.” He winked. “Enjoy your bath. I will have the servants bring you to your room once you feel refreshed.” If at all she was surprised by Shengshi's words, Laurien expressed nothing but a small smile. She nodded her head and then said, [color=plum]”More wine for me then.”[/color] she finished with a chuckle before turning to follow the servants. “Laurien, dear,” the snake called after her. She spun around and cocked her head at Shengshi. [Color=plum]”Yes your holiness?”[/color] “Flirting with a god is an arduous process. Do not let it discourage you.” He gave her a reptilian wink. She began to laugh high and sweet. [Color=plum]”Oh I know. I know. You're much more receptive than Katharsos though.”[/color] she said playfully. “I certainly do hope I am,” he answered with a playful scoff. “Run along now. Clean yourself after your night in the woods.” [hr] Laurien was brought into the palace, through the halls covered in beautiful paintings of nature and events, into the feast hall with the thousand surfaces of gold and the warming, red glow of the paper lanterns. She admired the artistry with a buyers eye, slow and meticulous. The servants brought the tall lady to the second floor deck, a veranda overlooking the dining floor at the bottom of the ship’s belly, the god table surrounded by the various thrones specialised for each of Shengshi’s peers. Music danced through the air from harps and flutes below, their gentle tunes painting the air a beautiful, yet almost melancholic of blue. The servants brought her past countless mahogany-doored rooms, each labeled with set of characters, likely denoting room number. Occasionally, they would encounter servant cleaners exiting rooms - there would immediately spot Laurien and bow deeply as she passed. Eventually, the three came to a large wooden gate at the stern of the ship. The servants who had escorted her both stepped up to the doors and grabbed one handle each. They pulled them open to unleash a crashing wave of cozy steam that almost drowned Laurien. Inside, as she squinted, she saw six female servants lined up side-by-side, dressed in white, short-sleeved and legged gis with their hair tied up in knots. Behind them was a colossal pool of steaming water, flanked on both sides with damp mirrors and chairs, and decorated with stone sculptures and carvings. “Welcome to the bathhouse, Exalted Lady Laurien,” they said in mechanical unison and bowed deeply. [color=plum]”Oh, how wonderful!”[/color] she exclaimed tossing her hair behind her, before ridding herself of the dress altogether. She turned to the six servants, as she entered the warm water, eliciting a pleasurable smile as goosebumps appeared on her body, and then said, [color=plum]”So, what is it you do here?”[/color] “Well,” one of them said in a voice like velvet and sat down next to the pool. The others followed, some skipping into the water fully clothed, others filling buckets with soap water. “... We offer our Exalted Guests baths, massages and treatments, drinks and refreshments, and, well, whatever the Guest would like to request.” The girl filled her hands with clay from a small jar. “Would our Exalted Guest like us to wash Her hair?” As she listened to the servant speak, a devious smile crossed her lips. [color=plum]”Yes, please. While you do so, some wine would be nice and, do tell me about yourselves.”[/color] she murmured, sinking down into the water. The only thing that could be seen was her luminous hair, and face. Three of the servants began to slowly rub the clay into her long mane of hair and around the roots of the strands, while another two brought respectively brought her a tray topped with a single cup and a pitcher. The last one sat down in the water next to Laurien and smiled playfully. “Such an honour to be inquired about by a daughter of the Divines such as Yourself,” she said softly and giggled. “What would our Exalted Guest like to know?” Laurien closed her eyes as the small hands rubbed her scalp, the feeling was immensely satisfying, but at the smell of something sweet they snapped open, targeting the pitcher. She took the cup, and then a servant graciously filled it. She took a sip and relaxed with a content sigh. She then turned her head to look at the small servant, returning the smile, [color=plum]”Well, your names for a start. Then, anything that comes to mind. I am very easy to please.”[/color] she said softly. The girl giggled again. “Well, alright, then. This servant is named Ke Ai; the three girls washing your hair are Gu Niang, Xiao Jie and Ai Qing; the ones pouring your wine are Mei Li and Hao Shuang. These servants are all exceptionally happy to be at Your service this fine evening,” she assured her with a wink. “... Now, what is a tall, beautiful woman doing in His Lordship’s jungle, if this one may ask?” Laurien looked at Ke Ai with hungry eyes, as she took another sip. [color=plum]”Beautiful names, little ones.”[/color] she lulled happily. [color=plum]”Now, believe it or not, but I am searching for one who you might know. Arya is her name, and she is my sister.”[/color] she downed her cup, stretching her arm out for more, eyeing Hao Shuang with an alluring smile as she did. Hao Shuang smiled warmly back with a wink. “Oh, you are her sister, is that so?” Ke Ai asked softly, though her smile seemed a little forced. “She was quite… Something, that one…” She paused. “Very beautiful, like yourself - though not as…” She giggled. “... Grown.” The other girls all echoed the sweet giggle. Laurien noticed the forced smile, and took another sip of her now full cup. She licked her lips slowly, then said, [color=plum]”Small as she may be, she is still my sister. I know what she did aboard this vessel, and for that, you have my condolences.”[/color] she then sat up lenig up against the edge of the bath, [color=plum]”Now, this grown body needs a wash as well, and I know just the perfect little hands to accomplish it.”[/color] she mused. “Of course, My Lady,” Ke Ai said. Gu Niang, Xiao Jie and Ai Qing quickly washed the clays out of her hair and wrapped it in an extra large towel turban. Then they skipped into the water with coarse washcloths in hand. Together with Ke Ai, they each grabbed a limb and began to scrub, perhaps a little intense and harshly, to rid her pure skin of any and all dirt and muck. [color=plum]”Ladies, ladies.”[/color] Laurien said after a moment of scrubbing, [color=plum]”Rub any harder and you’ll see my bones.”[/color] she said with a laugh. [color=plum]”Gently, but thorough, it will accomplish the same thing, won’t it?”[/color] she asked softly. The girls all giggled. “Is My Lady’s skin a little sensitive still?” Ke Ai smirked. “Sounds to us like our Exalted Guest has not had enough wine.” Hao Shuang and Mei Li came over with the tray and Gu Niang released Laurien’s left arm. [color=plum]”Mhmm. Very well, more wine it is.”[/color] she said, reaching her arm out to grab the pitcher. Before any of the servants could react, she brought it to her lips and began to drink. She finished it with an ‘Ahh’ and placed the empty pitcher back on the tray. She then looked at Hao Shuang and Mei Li warmly. [color=plum]”If you could, more wine please.”[/color] she said, her voice thick with energy. The two bowed deeply. “As You wish, My Lady,” they said in unison and went to refill the pitcher. Ke Ai grabbed a coarse, flat stone and used it to file the nails on Laurien’s right hand; Gu Niang took the opportunity to file the nails on the opposite hand. Ai Qing and Xiao Jie did the same to her feet. “So,” Ke Ai opened, “what does a woman like you like to do for fun?” At this, Laurien’s gaze turned to Ke Ai with an alluring smile. [color=plum]”I think you can guess, Ke Ai.”[/color] The surrounding girls giggled. Ke Ai smiled warmly and sucked in a slow breath through her nose. “Not many mortals have visited us before, My Lady; however, the trained eye can spot a lover of the finer riches from a mile away - as well as a lover of the most simplistic pleasures.” She gently caressed the now clean, silk-like skin on Laurien’s arm. Her sand-covered fingers left a tingling sensation. The other girls began to do the same on their respective body parts. Laurien shivered softly at the touches, her smile widening. “Has My Lady been satisfied with her bath?” she asked softly. The tall woman then leaned forward, growing close to Ke Ai. She then whispered, [color=plum]”Not quite yet.”[/color] before leaning in to place a gentle kiss on her lips, before pulling away. There was a playful smile on her lips, and her eyes beckoned. Ke Ai blinked, but then put on a saddened smile. “This servant apologises, My Lady, but we unfortunately do not offer… That kind of service.” She continued stroking her arm. “We can provide a deep massage, if it would please.” Laurien giggled and then settled back down, [color=plum]”Of course, of course.”[/color] she waved her hand, [color=plum]”I can respect that.”[/color] She lulled, [color=plum]”A massage sounds delightful, darlings. If you would. Oh, and where is that wine?”[/color] she said cheerily. [hr] The next morning, Laurien woke up on a down-filled mattress with a pillow softer than a cloud. Covering her long form was a massive twillight-blue silk blanket coloured with beautiful patterns of purple, red and even dots of white to look like the late evening sky. The walls around her room were of mahogany, judging from the rather thin slits one could see of it at the top and the bottom - most of it, though, was covered in chalk white paper painted and calligraphed with lively images and poetry which deft hands had made seem like a painting in itself. The floor was freshly polished and seemed to reflect the light of Heliopolis shining through the windows much like a mirror would. From the roof hung a red paper lantern chandelier that gave off a faint scent of incense. To the bed’s right, up against the wall, was a particularly tall wardrobe, flanked again on its right by a mirror; to the bed’s left was a small table with a gold tray of fruits, biscuits, cakes and small bottles of drink. Directly in front of the bed was a tall, eloquently carved mahogany door. She thought the room was beautiful but as her eyes fell upon the food, she quickly got up and began to drink the liquid, fruity flavors attacked her palate. She was incredibly thirsty, so much so it felt like her mouth was a desert. As she continued gulping down the drinks, she went over to the tall wardrobe and opened it. There, she was presented with a selection of long dresses, shirts and skirts in various colours, and seemingly as if the winds pulled at the dresses like curtains before a window, they parted magically to reveal her scabbarded, starry orvium sword, her starlight cloak and the wrapped dagger. Not quite as thirsty as before, Laurien began to try on the clothing, finally deciding on a white shirt with a black skirt. It fit perfectly much to her surprise, accentuating her figure and comfortable to boot. She then wrapped herself up in the cloak, grabbed her things and left the room. Her journey needed to begin in haste, after all. As much as she could indulge herself here, she had her duty to perform. The veranda outside the door was mostly empty, save for occasional servants hastening to and fro with fresh sheets, buckets of washwater, brooms and many other things. As they passed by Laurien, they stopped, bowed deeply and greeted her, “Good morning, Exalted Laurien,” before moving on. The main hall far below was beginning to light up with activity and music, the faint tunes floating upwards through the belly of the ship. Laurien looked to the left and saw the distant evidence of the main stairs up to the deck. A servant came to her as she noticed, carrying a note. She bowed forward and offered it. “From His Lordship,” she said. Laurien nodded in thanks, then read the letter. [centre][i]Dear Laurien, I trust the snacks left in your room were satisfactory. If you would not mind, I would like a quick word with you in my chambres. They are at the top of the palace tower. I trust you are more capable than your sister at navigating. Please come at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Shengshi.[/i][/centre] Laurien let out a small chuckle, folded the note up and placed it inside her cloak. Then she had the servant lead her outside, the sun rising steadily to welcome the new day. Laurien then looked up at the tower and flew up to the top, spotting the veranda, she landed but before entering the room, she knocked on the wood, announcing her presence. The paper slider doors slid apart to reveal a smirking snake. “Look at you, thinking outside the box - or the palace, rather. Please, come in.” [Color=plum]”It seemed the easiest route,”[/color] she mused as she walked inside, [color=plum]”You wanted to see me, your holiness?”[/color] she asked looking around the rather barren room. Simplicity at its finest she thought. “Yes, I did. Has the stay in my palace been satisfactory?” He poured two cups of tea from a fresh pot. [Color=plum]”Yes, it's been wonderful. All your little people are so nice and helpful.”[/color] she said cheerily before graciously taking a cup. “Please, if you would not mind, refer to them as ‘servants’. While height is not a particularly self-conscious thing for them, ‘little’ in their culture and that context connotes pettiness. I am certain they would not tell you directly, but it would wound their feelings a little.” He sipped his own cup. “I am truly happy that the stay was of proper standard. Mortal guests are always so interesting.” He then gave her a knowing look. “From what I heard, the bathhouse was particularly interesting.” She gave a shrug, a sly smirk crossed her lips as she took another sip of the tea. [Color=plum]”You have my word, servants it is from now on. As for the bathhouse, well, my curiosity got the best of me. It was greatly needed, the girls did a superb job, might I add. I haven't felt quite so relaxed since I set out from the Eye.”[/color] “It is what they do. They live to please - just not so far as you imagined.” He winked. “So, will you keep searching for your sister now?” [Color=plum]”Yes, more so than ever now. I owe it to her.”[/color] she said softly, placing the tea cup down. The snake nodded. “Indeed. What will you do if-... Sorry, when you find her?” Her gaze narrowed briefly at the thought but returned to a more relaxed one as she said, [color=plum]”Get to know her. Ask if she'd like to see home and father. Be a sister. Maybe even come back here for a time.”[/color] The snake smiled. “Well, dear, you are more than welcome to return whenever you wish. The palace is always open to friends of mine.” She gave a wide smile at that and said, [color=plum]”Thank you, your Holiness. For everything. I should get going now, there's a world to search after all.”[/color] The snake chuckled and finished his tea in another two sips. “It was nothing, dear. You make for good company. Please do not remain gone for too long. It does get lonely here without visitors.” She gave a sad smile at that, he was not the first one to ask such a thing.and it wasn't any easier leaving such pleasantness. [color=plum]”I won't be gone forever, you have my word. And when I return, I shall want a tub full of wine.“[/color] she said with a laugh. “Two,” the snake winked. “That is my word.” [Color=plum]”Excellent!”[/color] she exclaimed before leaving the snake and his servants, as she led the vessel behind. With a hardy laugh, she flew east. [hider=summary] Laurien arrives at the Nanhe, having taken it slow after her fight with the dragon. As night falls, she decided to sleep in a tree. In the morning she is awoken by some Wahou’s, the monkey frogs or something along those lines. They poke her, and she pokes back, then they get all huffy she so leaves the tree and they relax. Next she meets Shengshi, by accident. Snek invites her aboard his ship, upon which she is given a feast. Laurien tries to flirt with snek, but he shuts her down. Laurien goes to have a sexy bath and is given so. There, she attempts to lay the bathhouse girls, but is informed in the most blue-ballish way that the Jiangzhou is not a brothel. She then goes to bed and wakes up with a slight hangover. She is summoned to snake’s room and they discuss what she’ll do next. She says she will go look after Arya, but that she’ll be back, something snake encourages her to do. [/hider]