[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QCgTnAH.png[/img][/center] [hr][@Zeroth] [color=darkred]"We have no way of killing it right now..."[/color] Jason huffed in response to Teef, [color=darkred]"It's far safer for us to wait out our mana disorder by draining numerous sources before trying to go for any real fights, and I'm not very confident how many half-baked mana orbs I can fire before we run out of mana. Even IF we killed it, we might get less mana than we spent in the fight."[/color] After listening to Bonie, Jason summoned his skill menu, hoping to see improvement in, well... Anything. Taking a brief moment to examine the scene of the battle while he read over his skills, the old warlord noticed that the pool had somehow overflown quite a ways. It was unlikely that such a thing had happened naturally... As far as Jason knew, no reincarnate other than Danny had any form of water magic, let alone of this scale.... It couldn't have been the core either, which left only one suspect; Undine, the animated sword. It seemed that Jason's intuition of Undine being the shadow in the pool was correct, furthermore it seemed as if it had gotten involved in the fight. Such an object would more than likely have a soul, which meant it could be eaten by the core, or worse..... ASSIMILATED. If the core managed to pull Undine into its ranks, the results would be catastrophic.... Once again, Jason was left with a hard choice-- run, and guarantee his survival? Or enter the pool, and learn of Undine's fate? With a sigh, he made his choice. Moving low to the ground, slowly and cautiously, Jason approached the pool, keeping a wide berth from the only patrol on his side; a duo of zombie pixies. Assuming their vision worked like his, the ecto slime made sure to stay toward the backs of the two zombies. Stretching himself thin, Jason looked like no more than a wisp of fog rolling across the ground. As he reached the center of the dark water, Jason peered into its depths, before plunging into the darkness below.... If worst came to worst, Jason knew he might need to finish the animated sword, to prevent it from becoming a tool of the dungeon.