[center][b]Nortiz - Dawn, Mirica[/b][/center] [i]Your Highness?[/i] The words caught Nortiz's attention as he finally managed to transform. Hoping the confusion of the mage and the laguez newcomer (hopefully she'd be alright) would be enough of a distraction, he flew up through the roof then found a place to hide where he still had a view of the tavern's brawl. He needed to keep an eye on that royal. While he could be the king himself with the knight accidentally calling him by his old title, most likely it was some foriegn dignitary (especially now that Nortiz noticed the non-Mirican sigils). If so, he was likely here on business with the Jacob III, which could provide an opening to learn all the facts and investigate the prime person who benefited from the past king's murder. The anti-Laguez laws had come rather quickly in the aftermath, a laguez type kill could be faked, and hopefully an actual laguez assassin would kill in a Beroc way in order to not be obvious unless paid to do otherwise. (And the only other possibility he knew of was those laguez fanatics and hopefully it wadn't them because that would mean that they've started to make their move and they would...) Nortiz shook his head. Now wasn't the time for such musings. First thing was to keep an eye on this prince and potentially help the other laguez. That's all he could concern himself with for now. Observing and waiting.