[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/h0cmEUB.png[/img] [hr] [hr][/center] In no time at all the invaders had seen fit to encroach upon their position. The flight deck was soon nearly surrounded by batches of spider-like metallic monsters with glowing orange eyes to give them away. The reason for glow was clear almost immediately, and as Tian came under fire on one side of the formation Lucia found herself staring down laser blasts on the other. She had little time to react, but it was enough to throw out her hand and call forth a glowing green half dome of energy as Maltet flared to life. The barrier pulsed as the lasers impacted it, but amid the steam that erupted from the heat and the rain her defense held. With a swipe of the same hand the shield condensed itself, forming a singular aegis on Lucia's arm as her plasma sword surged with power and she ran forward, slashing through some of the slower small invaders as Mavis and Tian engaged the larger opponents. At that point, Subaru called out to point to the far end of the rig, where she reported a functioning elevator to go farther in- provided its gatekeeper was dealt with. Lucia turned her head to take stock of things, and her mind raced to determine a course of action. The hostages- and whatever it was that Subaru had to do- needed to be reached and rescued, that much was true, but with an enemy assault ongoing and the gunship unable to provide combat support the landing zone would need to be monitored and a perimeter established. Wide open spaces with an emphasis on entrenching on one hand, tighter corridors with a demand for haste on the other. [color=00a99d]"D'accord!"[/color] she yelled over the storm, [color=00a99d]"Subaru and four others, on me and into the rig! Everyone else, keep the LZ secure and ready to receive hostages! Allons-y!"[/color] The light of her armor grew brighter still, a bright green comet amid Tian's fires as she charged toward the elevator. The invader before her fired at a steady rate, but as she continued to draw closer with no sign of stopping as the laser broke harmlessly on her shield it began to fire less intense blasts faster and faster, almost as if it was panicking. When she had closed to less than 20 yards Lucia coiled her legs and jumped, high into the air, dismissing her shield and taking hold of her sword with both hands. Energy surged into the blade as it grew from a longsword to a bastard sword to a zweihander and then larger still, crackling with emerald lightning before she began her descent. [color=00a99d][h3]"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"[/h3][/color] With a great crash to rival the thunder in the skies above the blonde Striker slammed her weapon down atop the invader- or perhaps slammed it through the invader was more apt, as when the flash of the impact erupted and faded away it split cleanly in half down its middle and collapsed into a heap in front of her. Lucia rose to a standing position once again, reducing her weapon to a more managable size as she surveyed the area for any more surprises, then continued moving. The elevator was ahead...