~[@Stern Algorithm]~ "What? Hey!" Neil resisted the [u]Altissima sisters'[/u] attempt to pin him and remove his clothes. "Stop it, you two!" [u]Sylvia[/u] and [u]Vivian[/u] were monsters so their combined strength could easily overpower the human boy. But desperation granted Neil some hidden strength and he was able to put up somewhat of a defense. "Get back!" He thrust his hands forward to push the [u]Altissima sisters[/u] away from him. His hands, however, found some interesting areas to place themselves unto. In Neil's grasp were one of each of the [u]Altissima sisters'[/u] breasts. The boy's beet-red face became even redder as he realized what he had done. He appeared to savor the touch for a moment before scrambling back in panic. "I-I-I-I-I'm sorry! I-I-I-I didn't meant to! I swear!" Neil immediately begged for forgiveness. "It was-- It was an accident! I swear! I'm sorry!" [hr] [b]Liberation At Any Price[/b] ~[@Restalaan] (YNG)~ Your strike was true and hit the Varjan leader on the head, stopping her from dropping her axe at a knocked down rebel. Her helmet was knocked off and was sent reeling for a bit. But she recovered and with her rage renewed, she retaliated with a swing from her axe. Its reach was too long for you to back away from so you have to duck to evade it. However, the swing was followed with an uppercut with a shield and you were in prime position to get hit by it. You were sent to the ground and the Varjan leader prepared for a powerful downward swing.