[@prettydrops][@iKatamalicious] [center][b]Zanna Town (Library) - May 24th[/b][/center] Margo and Indy spent hours wandering the library, but it didn't feel like it. There was something in the air guiding them along, like a quiet song in the distance. They browsed through book after book, each more interesting than the last but not quiet what they were looking for. The main problem was, with a Pokedex in hand and access to the internet, checking out any one of these books seemed redundant. Still, something urged them onward, ever higher up the towering library. But even on the top floor of the library, they didn't find what they were looking for. They had walked up every floor to no avail. The only thing left to do now was peek over the railing and marvel one last time over how high they had climbed. As they did this, something strange happened. One of the barren branches of the tree top began to move. From up here on the top floor, the limb that was moving was at eye level. It seemed to be shifting closer to them and growing longer before their very eyes, as if it were reaching out to touch them. The two could only watch in fascination. By the time the branch stopped moving, it was just out of arm's reach, a finger tip away. Then, something even more astounding began to happen. From the tip of the branch, a pale white flower bulb began to grow. It grew larger and larger until it peeled open. In the middle of the newly formed white flower, there was a small pale grey book, that seemed to glow. It was finally clear, this was what was calling them.