[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=SlateBlue]Athanasia Theroux[/color] [/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://c.photoshelter.com/img-get/I0000A111v6FSs48/s/750/750/tpee9740-3.jpg[/img][/center] [center] [b][color=SlateBlue]Location[/color][/b] Granite Falls, North Carolina, Outside of Crystal River School For Troubled Youth, Parking Lot -> Camp Half-Blood[/center] [hr][hr] Flying in a chariot drawn by a set of pegasus was jaw dropping on it's own. Though Athanasia's mind was going a mile a minute trying to dredge up everything she knew about the Olympic Gods. Oh, she knew a thing or two with her mother being an archaeologist and all but it was blurry from her stint in Crystal Rivers'. Planning the downfall of the teachers had been [i]much[/i] more pressing. Standing on tiptoes slightly to get a better view of the so called 'Camp Half-Blood' Athanasia's smile was slightly bitter. How many heads would she need to, figuratively, knock together over her name? It was much easier to be called 'Ash' than the proper name gifted to her by a mad researcher named Ryssa. But then again, her mother [i]had[/i] named their cat Apollymi in honor of some goddess of destruction in one of the rare fantasy novels she was reading. So Athanasia would stick with the name she got and be glad it wasn't something worse. Five minutes of discussing the proper term of multiple Pegasuses, and plotting half a dozen more variants of questions. Athanasia considered the others about her. The pale girl felt certain she could rely on Arthur and Kiera. While they were older than her she did feel a good deal of respect and warmth towards them. Perhaps Arthur a bit more than Kiera with the larger age gap between the girls. The Bow Boy however seemed to be a bit prickly. A fact that made her smile. Prickly was fine, it was a challenge and she would win him over eventually. [color=SlateBlue]"Oh la!"[/color] She beamed at Ezekiel. [color=SlateBlue]"You really shouldn't use such language, it's bad manners. Besides! We're here and I have [i]so many[/i] questions."[/color] Her beaming smile became almost devilish as she winked and laughed cheerily. [color=SlateBlue]"[i]Kiss, kiss[/i]."[/color] Challenge accepted were what those words meant. A verbal thumbs down, or challenge to whatever life threw at her.