[h2]Prince Erik Reighn - Dawn, Miricia[/h2] "Gah!" Erik shouted as his sword sliced through the wooden table, missing his intended target. He was a peculiar fellow, somehow managing to clumsily slip along something on the ground and land into a nearby patron in a sensitive area. Erik shook his head and looked back, seeing Gregory holding up his lance and trying to motion for the others around not to interfere. It had taken a moment for Erik to truly realize what was now going on. While the first man who had crashed through the roof seemed to be a problem, many of the other beorc patrons now began to gather menacingly around another white-haired wolf laguz, and around the roof at the recently departed raven laguz who was previously in hiding. The animosity was clear in their eyes. They were out for blood. Erik backed up closer to the laguz and smaller human who was still inside the tavern and spoke to them in a lower voice, but mostly toward Felix. "You both should leave with me," He instructed them. "Nothing else to see here, gentlemen!" Gregory exclaimed brightly, trying to appease the men around. "Those filthy sub-humans are attacking my customers!" One of the bartenders shouted hatefully. "Nasty beasts!" One patron shouted, which irked others on. Erik took a deep breath and released it through his nose as he tried to calm himself from the bigotry these 'people' were displaying. Gregory was most certainly more level-headed than the prince. "Let's all just calm down here!" Gregory motioned at the patrons again. Erik spotted one of the angrier patrons dash outside the tavern. That wasn't a good sign. Once more, Erik looked across at the human and laguz. "Now," He demanded, and gestured toward the outside.