[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nMxpFZO.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Zun - Zamindawar International Airport[/b] From the moment they’d gone and cancelled the tournament, Anna had known that everything was gonna go to shit. She just hadn’t expected it to happen so fast. One moment she was making conversation with a smart young woman and a talking skeleton, the next some dude in a suspicious coat was pulling a gun, and all of a sudden there were bullets flying, shouts ringing out, the chaos she’d predicted all along erupting all around her within the space of a few short seconds. [i]Man![/i] Seemed like the Nomad community really was as wild as people said! A part of her wanted to pump her fists with delight at finding herself right at the center of events that would no doubt be playing across worldwide news. Deep down, however, she knew that this was serious. A Nomad brawl breaking out was one thing, but holy hell, that was [i]gunfire,[/i] in a crowded airport! Did those guys really have no issue with potentially harming civilians? [i]Guess that means there’s no need to hold back...[/i] If this kind of thing had happened to her a few years ago, Anna might have panicked, but she’d trained for this. Bullets weren’t shit to her now. With a snap of her fingers, she threw up a magnetic shield in front of her, the first barrage of gunfire pinging off it as if it were a wall of solid steel. A couple of seconds later, it went down, but by then Anna was already on the move. There was no time to ask about the ‘who’ or ‘why,’ she immediately went on the attack. Moving so fast she was almost a blur, her arms shot out, each one unleashing a crackling bolt of lightning that arced into a nearby terrorist and blew them away. A third enemy leveled a rifle at her, but he moved too slowly; she was on him in an instant with a barrage of quick, sharp punches, each one unleashing sparks of electricity as it made contact. Already, the hunters were becoming the hunted, as all around her the Nomads came to their senses and began to fight back. The black-clad assailants might’ve had the element of surprise, but none of them were any match for the small army of Ki-powered fighters now unleashing their pent-up fury. Anna moved like a lightning bolt, zipping from one target to another and dispatching them with blinding speed, never giving them time to properly focus or take aim at her. A small squad managed to hurl a few grenades her way, only to have the explosives flung back in their faces by a powerful magnetic pulse. It was scary, more dangerous than anything she’d ever experienced before—but damn if this wasn’t exhilarating! A gathering of disparate Nomads, uniting to fight back against the forces of evil… and they were winning! Her jubilation didn’t last long, however, as white-masked figures swept onto the scene, moving with a confidence and agility that belied their power and skill. [i]Nomads… working for the enemy?[/i] No sooner had they appeared than the tide of the battle began to turn. Anna watched, with a sinking feeling in her stomach, as one allied Nomad after another was dispatched. Change of plans. There were more of those bastards appearing every minute, and if she stuck around here she’d be overwhelmed and cut to pieces. She needed to move, to get out and regroup somewhere… [i]but where?[/i] Ivory had run off as soon as the fighting had started, and that Aldous guy had disappeared off somewhere as well. Anna had no allies left, nobody she could count on. Already, three of the white-masked creeps were closing in on her, one of them nocking an arrow on a compound longbow while the other two approached with blades drawn. They looked entirely at ease, unbothered by the fact that she was obviously a Nomad. Still— Anna smirked. [i]They chose the wrong opponent.[/i] She extended one hand menacingly towards them, and squeezed it into a fist. Strong or not, these ECLIPSE guys were covered in metal, from their weapons to their augmented limps. No sooner had Anna moved her fingers than her three attackers went flying towards one another, drawn together by a magnetic attraction that sent them crashing together in a tangled heap. It didn't stop them for long. Within a couple of seconds they were already pulling themselves apart, rising to their feet with weapons at the ready. By that point, though Anna had already fled, darting away through the thick of the fighting. Even if the only two people she’d properly met had disappeared, she'd seen something that gave her an idea of where she needed to be. A trio, two women and a man, seemingly trying to make their escape. A couple of them looked like they’d come from one of the news crews covering the tournament, but the one who’d really caught Anna’s interest was the girl they seemed to be protecting. That face… she’d been right there at the center of it all when the fighting began. If anyone knew what was going on, it was her. And so Anna raced off after them, throwing up a magnetic shield behind her to hold back anyone who might try to pursue. [@KaiserElectric]