Well if you think about it 200 years is technically around 4 generations if not 3 depending on their longevity after they retook Rannoch and how quickly they multiplied. They generally only had one child two at the most due to Flotilla regulations so it might had been an adopted custom to keep low amounts of children, also they were probably too busy reconstructing their home world to even think about total re-population... but those are just assumptions. We also have to keep in mind that the Quarian's immune system took centuries to deconstruct so it would take centuries for them to regain it again. So 4-3 generations isn't very much time to regain the proper immune system to handle outside stimuli, such as foreign worlds, other race's sickness etc. They would probably be just able to handle not wearing their suit on their home world given that their population would have to re-sync with the plant life that they were in a symbiotic relationship with to keep their immune system up and running. Granted the first generation was probably still stuck in their suits, second gen could probably take off their masks but were still fragile and prone to disease depending on how well they were able to cope with the immune boosters and environment in the first generation. There are a lot of different variables that could be factored into how well the Quarians adapted, seeing how the Geth that were originally supposed to help them rebuild, and readapt were wiped out after the destruction of the mass effect relays and all machinery. So for the sake and purpose of keeping this simple I am going to go with that they are suit bound off Rannoch, but a puncture in their suit wont necessarily have a 100% chance of infection and sickness but it has dropped to 50% or 40%. For the sake of your character though I had put in that small sects of Quarians had rebuilt some Geth population in order to help with the reconstruction of their once great civilization and it was a risk they were willing to take to ensure that their home would be ready sooner. This leaves open the possibility that some units had returned to their ships past the Veil and began reconstructing their units, meaning a greater population on the whole, but that would be a slow process and I don't imagine Quarians being all too thrilled with that plan so for the most part the Geth are on Rannoch. That being said your unit would have had to had been restarted and rebuilt at one point in time after the initial blast that was sent all over the galaxy from the Mass Relays. So keep that in mind in your character. Also as a side note 5 abilities are allowed so I would just get rid of tactical cloak since Hunter mode technically is tactical cloak.