Another titan entry: - Codename: "Mother Bat" - AKA: [b]Camazotz[/b]. [center][hider=Mother Of Bats] [hr][hr] [img],,/su-30sm.regular.png[/img] [hr][hr] [img][/img] [hider="Night Vision"] [img][/img] [/hider] [b][u][color=aba000]Name:[/color][/u][/b] || "Titanus gigamorteptera" | "Camazotz" | "Leutogi" | "Mother Of Bats" | "Cami" | "Death Bat" || [b][u][color=aba000]Appearance:[/color][/u][/b] (Be more descriptive with your character. What does it look like?) [b][u][color=aba000]Size:[/color][/u][/b] 57 Meters Tall | 144 Meter Wingspan [b][u][color=aba000]First Appearance:[/color][/u][/b] Yucatán, Mexico - Contained within "Outpost 19" inside an ancient Mayan temple, now surrounded by a black sound-proof wall. Dubbed by the locals as "Casa de los murciélagos". [b][u][color=aba000]Abilities:[/color][/u][/b] [list] [*][color=aba000][b]Flight:[/b][/color] Using her massive wings, Camazotz can zip through the air at impressive speeds and turn on the dime. [*][color=aba000][b]Echolocation:[/b][/color] Like all bats, Camazotz utilizes echolocation to judge what her immediate surroundings are. [*][color=aba000][b]Acute Hearing:[/b][/color] Camazotz's acute hearing allows her to pick up very faint noises that others would fail to pick up. She can hear noises from up to several miles away and it's been theorized that she can even pick up the heartbeat of her opponents. [*][color=aba000][b]Sonic Screech:[/b][/color] Camazotz can unleash a powerful sonic screech that can temporarily stun larger monsters and wreck buildings within her vicinity. [*][color=aba000][b]Blood Sucking:[/b][/color] Camazotz's most notable ability is the ability to suck the blood out of her opponents. Utilizing said blood, it can allow her to heal and enhances her abilities temporarily. Depending on the blood that she sucks, she could even temporarily gain her attacker's power for several uses. [*][color=aba000][b]Hivemind:[/b][/color] Camazotz has connections to nearby bat populations and can command them as she wills. Her own bat populace - think miniatures versions of Camaztoz - in particular will come to her aid and can swarm the opposing enemy, distracting it for long enough as she goes in for the kill. [/list] [b][u][color=aba000]Weaknesses:[/color][/u][/b] [list] [*][color=aba000][b]Frailty:[/b][/color] Camazotz was not made to engage head-on with stronger monsters. Her body is weak compared to other more bulky creatures and she wouldn't survive long if pitted against them with little room to maneuver. [*][color=aba000][b]Sensitive Hearing:[/b][/color] While Camazotz's acute hearing allows her to pick up even the slightest of noises, it also makes her vulnerable to incredibly loud noises. Those who utilize this vulnerability are able to confuse, as well as disorient and ultimately disrupt her ability to navigate. [/list] [b][u][color=aba000]Personality:[/color][/u][/b] Camazotz tends to be usually a shy creature, often seeking refuge in dark environments. In containment, she appeared to have entered a deep hibernation as she hanged upside down on her giant perch. Little of her behavior had been documented otherwise, however Terran biologists claim that she would've been a social animal, hanging around with similar looking bats. The recent discovery of the large "Morteptera (Giant Death Bats)" seem to In Mayan mythology, the people spoke of the bat goddess with both admiration and reverence. They both described her as a rather docile creature at peace and a blood-thirsty monster during conflict. Opposing tribes seem to demonize the creature extensively, focusing on her vicious ferocity for blood and how she'd suck it from the victims of sacrifices. Meanwhile, Polynesian mythology presented the bat goddess "Leutogi" as a more benevolent goddess, being more of a protector of both bats and to her worshippers. [b][u][color=aba000]History:[/color][/u][/b] TBA [b][u][color=aba000]Other:[/color][/u][/b] - Despite her infamous blood-sucking diet, Camazotz is perfectly content in eating fruit and seeds if blood is scarce. [hider="Ferocious Appetite" (Flagship Theme)] [youtube][/youtube] [/hider] [hider="Mother's Wrath" (OST)] [youtube][/youtube] [/hider] [/hider][/center]