[quote=@Rusalka] [@Stabby] It's cool. I'm about to go to bed myself. I wouldn't say she's like total OP, but she is basically a superhero. So eh....pardon my analogy, but somewhere between Jessica Jones and Pre-Dark Phoenix Jean Grey. And by incredibly heavy, I mean like cars or large boulders. She won't be lifting space shuttles anytime soon. [/quote] [quote=@Rusalka] [@Etcetera] Well eh... -Blue energy doesn't necessarily pertain to electricity. It's more like a force push similar to the Fus Roh Da shout in Skyrim. -My lack of creativity has stumped me again. XD While she can raise barriers, they are only large enough to protect herself. She could try to raise a large enough barrier to shield everyone around her, but it would take alot of her energy to do so. -I am well aware she is fairly weak, as I intended to portray her as such. I never liked incredibly strong, OP characters. (I'm looking at you, Supes) Anywho, I appreciate the criticism, but I think I may just keep her as she is, if it's cool with you guys. ^_^ [/quote] Just to make sure you know what you're getting into, I'm gonna list the respective tiers and power scales of existence, as they can get pretty big. [hider=Lists] Tiers: 0. Objects 1. Animals 2. Humanoids 3. Superhumans or other greater creatures 4. Interdimensional beings 5. Hand-picked Existence administrators. And the power scales from weakest to most powerful. . -Normality for the species . -Superhumans . -City Busters . Nation Busters . Continent Busters . -Planet Busters . Galaxy Busters . -Dimension Busters (Scale points with - in front of them are parts of the generally agreed on power scale. The others are midpoints I've added.) [/hider] Nothing to say you can't have a low and weak powered character, just want to make sure you know what you're getting into, especially if you want them to be able to influence what's happening later on, be that through power, words, or the people they get to know. Otherwise, I hope you're able to stick around and have fun.