Dirk watched from the shadows, spotting the headlights as it pulled up to the street and illuminated the otherwise un busy piece of road. He slowly stood up, dropping his apple core to the ground, outstretching his palms. Dirk was curious as to who would come around these parts, it was odd to him. He studied what seemed to be an older women on a scooter drive up to a door, looking upon her from a distance. Wondering what she was up too, he slowly walked closer and closer, using the shadows as cover. Dirk noticed the door creak open and her pass a box along. She must be a courier of some sort he thought or something of the sort. But that wasin't enough to satisfy his curiousity, Dirk had to know for sure. Stepping out of the shadows, he spoke up towards the women, his bright amber eyes glowing. "What are you doing exactly?" Dirk questioned her without a second thought, he looked pale and thin from where he stood in the darkness.