[hider=Gideon Pendragon]Name: Gideon Pendragon AKA “Gilgamesh” Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual Age: 22 Personality: Due to being sheltered as a kid Gideon is still kinda naïve and hasn’t experienced a lot in life as he should have. He is a bit hot tempered but not so far that he loses his cool every time something goes wrong. He rushes in to save people whenever he can and loves to help if he can. Magic: Re-quip weapons- [hider=Void Fangs][img]https://img00.deviantart.net/e698/i/2013/244/4/a/ebony_dagger_replica___skyrim_by_folkenstal-d6jt21b.jpg[/img][img]http://www.loadthegame.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/FFXIVARR_Diabolos-660x330.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Hellfire and Brimstone][img]http://wiki.chronicles-of-blood.com/images/Weapons-Axes_of_eternal_flame.jpg[/img][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/7/7c/Ifrit_FFX.png/revision/latest?cb=20110224105228&path-prefix=it[/img][/hider] [hider=Levin][img]http://img11.deviantart.net/68dc/i/2015/055/e/0/levin_sword__fire_emblem__awakening__render_by_satoshikura-d7tafqj.png [/img][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/d/d7/FFLTNS_Ixion_Artwork.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160924062005[/img][/hider] Second magic: Caller Magic- Caller magic is a lot like Celestial spirit magic in that the wielder can call upon spirits for help. Only one spirit can be called on at a time however unless special circumstances occur. Magic Level: B Family: Mother and older brother. Father was killed during the take over of the island. History and Background: Gideon grew up in a non magic household on the island but he himself had the ability. One evening he had been messing around with his father's dagger collection when he had been punished to clean them. His father had always taught him to take proper care on all forms of weapons but his childish side had taken over. He had been in the back if the house pretending to spare with a set of black daggers that looked like fangs. He crept up behind the dummy and stabbed it. Then Gideon heard footsteps. His older brother had almost stepped into view when the daggers suddenly disappeared in a flash. Wide eyed and afraid his brother just smiled at him and asked if he was beating on the dummy with his fists. Gideon couldn't believe what had happened. In the end and several scoldings due to the daggers being missing he discovered as a mage. His family praised it but reminded Gideon that he had duties to the family first and being a mage was second. Secretly he trained and added two other weapons that called to him. Often growing up he picked fights with bullies trying to right the wrong he saw. Nothing prepared him for when the island was taken over. His family had resisted at first but then his father had been killed. Watching his father get killed before his eyes he felt a disconnect with his magic and his weapons disappeared save for the daggers. Once the dark guild set up their ways he and his family were sent to the north side of the island where he had to build a new place for the dark guild to stay. There he met Zane a young man who seemed to want to rebel against the dark guild. Gideon showed he wanted to join and his skill at knife play, explaining that he once had magic but wasnt sure if it would ever come back. Zane agreed to take him on and he had been with the guild secretly ever since. The white gull guild mark is on his right forearm. Three Likes: 1. Trying to be a hero 2. Watermelons 3. Combat training Three Dislikes: 1. Mornings 2. Oppression of any kind 3. Snakes Greatest fear: Losing control of himself Goal: To end the oppression of his island and to obtain more weapons to fight for others. Appearance: [hider=Out of armor] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d9/04/ab/d904abdce6a18c33876e7f983ef71a13.jpg [/img][/hider] Extra information: [/hider]