[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/bd98d2be-d58d-423b-805a-2117810f9ea5.jpg[/img][/center][hr] The lack of any follow up upon the events of the slumber party left Kanbaru feeling unsettled. A sentiment that must have been shared as Touka didn't bother to bring them together for a meeting as per the norm. Not that the bluenette could fault such actions, especially when the hunting was so poor ever since. A few days of minimal Nightmare activity, and the tension was still mounting amid seeming tranquility. The setting sun was met with the roar of an engine, the bluenette enjoying a ride on her motorcycle through the city. She had no destination in mind, seeking only to burn the nervous energy roiling beneath the skin. A part of that was from the surge of magic they all absorbed from the slumber party, but the majority was simply uncertainty. [color=cyan]"I wish things would settle down. Strength is nice and all, but not at the expense of our beauty sleep."[/color] The bluenette sighed, slumping forward as she idled at a red light. [color=cyan]"Murder. Strangers. Bigger Nightmares. Feels like things are just spinning out of control..."[/color] [hr][center][h2][color=slategray]Tsuruga Deishuu[/color][/h2][/center][hr] Her life had become a waking nightmare with no end in sight. Surely Tsuruga would have fallen into a bottomless pit of despair at the cruelty of reality if not for the reassuring presence of Kuro, the adorably transformed Mascot whose health and well being hinged upon Tsuruga keeping it together. Kuro shared in her torment, unable to shield herself from the madness that was having Ami live with her. [color=slategray]"My home. Ruined. A pigsty unfit for human habitation!"[/color] Tsuruga cried from the stoop of her home, a sleepy looking Kuro leaning against her to passively sap her warmth. It was a small comfort that the mascot was so easy to handle when Tsuruga's partner now defiled her home in the wake of the slumber party, and not for the first time did the dramatic young girl wonder if she'd be better off moving into the wreck of Ami's home. Sure, it was still winter and it had only half of its walls still standing, but she could clean up the rubble and make it tidy if nothing else. [color=slategray]"And I still think she was the one chewing my hair as we slept. There's no way it could be you, Kuro..."[/color]