[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=cc33ff]Guin Stark[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://i.postimg.cc/HsbrSgDf/arrow-gif-mine-lone-gunmen-thea-queen-willa-holland-queencest-se.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=cc33ff]Location:[/color][/b] Stark Tower - New York City, New York ([url=https://i.postimg.cc/SxJDcStp/image.png]Outfit[/url]) [b][color=cc33ff]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[hr][/center] Guin's bodyguards assumed positions by the elevator, as she walked over to her grandfather on the top floor of the tower. Stark Tower looked more or less as it always did, and Guin gave her grandfather a hug. She was rather close with her paternal grandparents, having learned a lot from her grandfather and father about engineering. They taught her just about everything she knew. [color=cc33ff]"Yeah, there's a party going on Gramps - it's Hanukkah,"[/color] she explained, before she slipped off her heels and set them down on the desk by Howard's computer. She didn't want to be in fancy shoes while working lab. She'd much prefer to be barefoot - safety hazards be damned. [color=cc33ff]"Ally and I were just going to go down to my lab,"[/color] she added. Guin paused for a moment. While she didn't feel like this information could be trusted in the hands of the Royal Family just yet, especially if Allison was right, she didn't see the harm in letting her grandfather know. Besides, he was older and had more experience than she did. It couldn't hurt to get a second opinion, given the stakes that were hinging on the results. [color=cc33ff]"Gramps, I could actually use your help with this,"[/color] Guin began. [color=cc33ff]"Allison's been... Well, I'll let her explain what exactly. I need to run some brain scans, try to figure out if what's going on is just a psychiatric issue or if it really is fundamental warping of reality, with her just somehow retaining memories of the original world."[/color] It all was boggling the mind, and Guin left out the part where she had had a dream resembling what Allison was detailing. Thankfully they were out of earshot of the guards, as while Leo and Fortes were fairly quiet around her, she didn't doubt that they gossiped with the other staff at the Palace. [color=cc33ff]"Where's Dad and Mom, by the way?"[/color] she asked, a bit curious since she hadn't seen them at the party. It made sense, sadly, that they wouldn't have been invited - they were human. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=DBA1DE]Casper Theriot[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://i.postimg.cc/nrXVtkJD/original.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=DBA1DE]Location:[/color][/b] Outside - New Orleans, Louisiana [b][color=DBA1DE]Skills:[/color][/b] Mediumship[hr][/center] [i]"...I don't think not existing in the real world has anything to do with anything,"[/i] Ben commented, a bit confused by Chrysi's explanation and Casper nodded in agreement. It did seem a little bit odd to him that SHIELD had a crown, but Casper never really paid too much attention to that organization. Maybe they wanted to have one in order to have a SHIELD sponsored version of Ru Paul's Drag Race and then crown the winner with it? It seemed a plausible enough explanation to him. [color=DBA1DE]"I assume persuasion means sloppily killing people,"[/color] Casper commented. [i]"Yeah, think so... I REALLY doubt she's just going up to people, asking about their kids and their lives, and then begging for information,"[/i] Ben muttered, trying to kick a soda can on the ground but his foot just went straight through it. The ghost groaned a bit in frustration, as if he had been hoping that in this new world, he'd be able to actually kick things and make contact. However, he didn't know if he wanted to make everyone remember the real world. He had heard the description of the crown - le diadème d'Athéna - and figured that it had to be the mind stone. The Goddess of Wisdom and Battle Strategy? It seemed a bit too obvious and on the nose there. The mind stone wouldn't make the world go back to the way it had been. And if people were happier here... why force them to remember pain? And if they were sadder here, why give them to knowledge that their happiness had been stolen from them? His eyes darted towards Jack. He trusted his little brother to do the right thing - in his world... but here? Here he just didn't know. Sure, Jack been a con artist but this was organized crime - this was a Legion of Evil! That all went out the window as Chrysi shoved his baby brother against a wall and Casper could hear a slight [i]crack[/i]. Without even thinking about it, he lunged at the redhead, swinging his fist at her face only to miss as Chrysi sidestepped. Throwing another punch, Casper missed once again - it was almost comical. [i]"Dude, stop trying to hit her, you aren't going to hit at this rate.... Like a goddamn Stormtrooper..."[/i] Ben muttered. [color=DBA1DE]"No way! No one hurts my baby brother!"[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=add3ff]Dominika Novikova[/color] and [color=#a81a75]Runa Blake[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://i.postimg.cc/cH9JvDQL/giphy.gif[/img][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Banner Residence - Sydney, Australia [b]Skills:[/b] [color=add3ff]Earth Manipulation[/color][hr][/center] Novikova heard Niah's plea for her to not do this - but it was the phrase [i]the others[/i] that clued her in. She changed her gaze slightly, looking past Lance and Runa, and she finally spotted the rest of the team down the hallway. She was strong, but she wasn't strong enough to fight all of them. Her control over metal [i]might[/i] be able to stop Wolverine, but it would take all of her focus. She was paralyzed for a moment, trying to decide what to do after this potentially fatal miscalculation. She heard Agent Diggby load her icer with a signature curse word and the color drained from Novikova's already pale face. Fortunately, though, Sapphire provided her with a decent explanation. She relaxed slightly, her toes uncurling in her shoes and the tension leaving her, as she released the earthen hold on everyone. [color=add3ff]"I figured since Abercrombie wasn't allowed to come, I might as well trick them into complying, knock them out and get them on the ship,"[/color] Novikova lied. [color=add3ff]"But apparently, we weren't informed that the secondary team would be coming,"[/color] she said, allowing a bit of venom into her voice. [color=add3ff]"And watch the way you look at me, Popsicle. Ice shatters easily when hit with a rock."[/color] Had Sapphire been someone she knew from the real world, a trusted teammate, then she might have felt a bit guilty about threatening her. But any ties she had to Sapphire were fake, just an illusion. The ones to Sparky/Lance, Abercrombie, Bautista, Reed, and Smith? Those ones were real. As for Runa, her nightmare was just worsening. She had wanted to run to Lance's bedroom and find her sling ring, in order to get them as far away from the Red Guard as they could, but suddenly, someone had a grip on her mind. It wasn't strong and total, but enough that each suggestion Tinley gave to her was incredibly tempting to follow. Combined with the threat against Lance, someone she cared for deeply, and Runa felt a bit like crumbling inwards on herself. Her life in the real world had been hell and now, this all seemed to be a cruel joke. Maybe Loki really was behind all of this. She did know that the silver haired girl was lying about pretending to betray the others. Maybe she would be someone that could help get Lance to freedom, if not herself as well. Maybe it was strange, caring so deeply for someone when her entire history with him was a lie, but it didn't change the way she felt. [color=#a81a75][i]"When I am freed from your grip, sorceress, I'll have your head and ensure the roads of your city run red with the blood of you and those you care for."[/i][/color] Runa figured that since Tinley was inside her mind, she would be able to hear that thought. She heard picked up a few things in the means of threatening individuals from her brother, Forseti - the God of Justice and Retribution. He tended to lean on the retribution side of things.