My entry for a human character [hider=He who hunts monsters] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Edmund Shaw [img][/img] [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] Shaw seems quite pedestrian upon first glance. His skin is a touch more weathered than most but his build and height (5'10) are both very unassuming, he could almost be just another office worker. His eyes are piercing though and he speaks with soft intensity that people often describe as unnerving. [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 37 [b][u]Occupation:[/u][/b] Poacher [b][u]Starting Location:[/u][/b] Guantanamo Bay [b][u]History:[/u][/b] Edmund had always been... a bit different. He was the child that would pull legs off spiders and as he grew older became fixated on animals and their nature and their predation. But despite this oddness he was a fiercely intelligent young man, excelling at school in England and eventually studied at Oxford gaining a first with distinction in Zoology. From there though he dropped off the radar for some years. It was GreenPeace that eventually brought Edmund Shaw's name to public attention. He had become infamous in black-markets across the world leading a highly effective poaching operation dealing in rhino horns, whale meat and any valuable and illegal animal product you could pay for. He was alleged to brought at least six species to extinction before finally being apprehended. Edmund stood out starkly from his colleagues, it became clear during interviews and trials that he did not poach animals for the money. He [i]enjoyed[/i] killing and the challenge of a hunt, espousing a belief in Darwinian survival of the fittest and an almost tribal notion of gaining power from killing. His methods were as disturbing as they were effective and he was identified as an amoral potentially highly dangerous individual. Subsequently Shaw was but into special containment indefinitely. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] Wasn't totally sure what kind of human characters you were looking for, so no worries if he doesn't fit the bill. My plan for his story was to have the/a government or Terra release him and provide resources to try and stop the Kaiju. Strong anti-hero. [/hider]