Even with his prideful demeanor, one could perhaps see that Valgar was holding back a bit of laughter. "Eh, sorry kid. Materials this valuable have to be reserved for the best of our warriors." Lorag huffed. "'Valuable' is right. I wonder how many houses you could buy with one of these suits?" He remarked, walking in a circle around Meesei as he admired the crafstmanship in the armor. Being that he had some experience in smithing himself, it gave him an even greater appreciation for the accomplishment. He personally had no idea how to even [i]start[/i] working with something like dragon bone, but he had never been a "master" blacksmith. "So we can all get suits just like this one, then?" "Yes. Or to whatever specifications you want." Valgar answered. "I was confident that you would benefit from armor in your beast form, Champion, due to your abilities. But for each of you, I can, of course, craft the armor to suit each of your specific needs. This is heavy, dragon bone armor that can stand against anything short of siege weaponry, but dragon scales, on the other hand, are lighter and tougher than any other light armor you could find. Even for those of you not used to wearing armor, I would say that dragonscale armor would be worth wearing for you. I can make the armor for your normal or lycan forms, though...not both. It's hard to say exactly how much armor we can make with what we have, but you'll definitely need to pick one or the other." "And since this armor will probably take time to make, that means you all will need to decide soon what form you intend to take for the invasion." Meesei added.