In the distance, [url=]silhouetted by the rays of the rising sun[/url], a figure began to approach. Vague at first, but certain distinct details began to become apparent as the individual approached. Once out of the glare of the sun, it was apparent that the figure was likely a young teen, due to the height on display. Second, and most notably, was the elaborate head dress that the figure wore. A bright red plume gave the individual stunning visibility. As they approached the side of the school, and came into view of the seething horde of humanity, a large tan coat could be made out, draped over the back and shoulders of the individual. With arms crossed, the person looked much like some outrageous Akihabara based rock act, especially with a necklace of what looked like bones covering the neck, and a crude namanari mask made of bone perched on the approacher's face. All in all, it heavily distracted from the school-bag and UA uniform the student wore. Just as the congregation of teachers would surely come to alarm at the masked figure's approach, as they rounded the corner of the building, the mask began to be removed. What was revealed was an individual with green hair and orange-yellow eyes, with black sclera. "[color=3f704d]Kemonohito Yaseishi,[/color]" the student muttered, presenting the issued identification, and not making eye contact. [hr] There was an acknowledging nod from the bespectacled man as the student passed into the secondary entry way. He had seen the students arriving, collecting in the alcove in front of the side door, veiled by the shadow in contrast to the reflections in the glass facade above. However, he did notice one particular young woman, whom he particularly remembered reviewing her application, beginning to walk away from the side entrance [i]towards[/i] the soon-to-be-riot. Rolling his eyes, the man stepped forward, pulling the left side of his collar to his face, "Requesting violent protest suppression tactic Foxtrot 2," muttered the man, before perking up, and calling out in clear, well enunciated English, "[i]Excuse me, Miss Lacara Hanazawa, correct? I'm sorry, but we must enter the school from the side entrance due to,[/i]" he cleared his throat as he approached, nodding towards the crowd, "[i]Obstructions.[/i]" The man gave a calming smile, and extended a hand. He cleared his throat again, before scanning the horizon for any other approaching individuals, student or not, and removing his glasses to polish them against a cloth square in his breast pocket- red with black trim like his tie. "Now, if you'll pardon my intrusion, I am Mitsuhide Oyoshi, agent of the Japanese Government and teacher of 'Heroic Ethics' at UA," he continued, this time in his native Japanese, but with a very reassuring tone, "I apologize ever so much for approaching you in such a way, but we really mustn't keep the others waiting, Hayazawa Lacara-san. Please, come with me, so you may be properly accommodated." Despite his placid demeanor, he was sweating a little on the inside. He was well aware of this girl's Quirk from the application paperworl, and the embers and steam from a ruined heat-resistant uniform blazer showed that she was greatly displeased. Convincing the Government to allow Lacara anywhere near the school had taken long hours and even more paperwork. His thumb still had a cramp from the myriad of notations he had had to make in order to get this class up and running this year. [hr] The formerly masked figure began to remove the rather garish, dramatic dress that was worn, and fold it up in itself, tucking it behind a schoolbag. With the mask removed, rolled into the head-dress, and also put in the bag, the once mysterious figure leaned against the wall with a hair flip, arms folding once again. Now to wait- Basic, boring school stuff. With an impatient stillness, the individual pressed a black left shoe against the wall, propping the dark turquoise slacked knee out at an angle.