[@A Story Teller], perhaps to your chagrin I am a carnivore and thus pizza is not an acceptable element of diet, worse still I do not actually [i]like[/i] it as a food. Despite this, this particular sabertooth will grant you a welcome all the same. Should there be any questions whatsoever, please do ask of myself or really any of us members. Furthermore, I suggest if and when the opportunity strikes that one as yourself comes to join the official Roleplayer Guild Discord, although I will note that the majority of time spent there by members is in casual interaction, not so much the pursuit of roleplaying interests or business. Not to derail this topic even further at that, [@Hellion] is correct, [@Madison Parker]. There are a number of us who would be pleased to see a [i]World of Darkness[/i] topic at some point. It is worth mentioning at the very least as there are those seeking it out.