[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjg1ODU4NS5SR1ZoYmlCUWIzSjBaWElnUVd4c1pXNCwuMgAA/a-theme-for-murder.regular.png[/img][/center] For a moment, he continued to regard the rounded object with curiosity. Just as he was about to leave it and walk over to the fallen moth girl, suddenly, out of the absolute damn blue, he felt a moderate weight tugging on his mask, looking down to see that the rock was now a very angry looking boy. He felt the straps begin to almost start slipping off, and whipped his neck out of the boys grasp to ensure that it didn't get tugged off. He was considerably taller than the rock boy, so it wasn't hard to keep his head out of reach. This was certainly unexpected, and Dean cursed himself slightly for being so reckless - with quirks, anything could happen, even something as fantastical as a rock turning suddenly into a boy. And then, out of nowhere once again, the rock boy pulled out a device from his pocket, and an ear splitting, piercing noise filled the air. The crow on his shoulder was quickly commanded to leave, flying away where the noise was less severe - he couldn't lose such an important asset in a battle with this student, who before today he obviously wouldn't have known existed. But Corvus still had height and strength over the boy. He felt the phone collide with the side of his head once - classic reckless hero move, using the thing that's keeping you from being destroyed to try and hurt someone else. But the hero was predictable, and anticipating a second hit in the same place, Corvus used an arm to whack the device out of the boy's hand, sending it spinning to the floor, where it hit the ground with a crack, finally stopping the sound. Now, this was better. His arms now gripped the boy, no more distractions from his unusual phone, which was quickly descending upon and scratched to hell by a group of pigeons. His crow returned from its absence, now driving the short knives of its into Peter's shoulder, scraping downwards before flying back around to approach for a second attempt in the other shoulder. Elsewhere, he decided that Sofia had been done enough, and directed more birds to where he was - although a few remained, continuing to peck and scratch at Sofia's wings.