That was … sad. Darin didn’t feel any pity for the two men. It was just sad that they choose a lifestyle that hurt others and would eventually hurt themselves. They didn’t seem to be inclined to make any real changes either. This current incident was probably they had been caught with any indication that they would actually face consequences for their actions. If they had been caught before they had mostly likely been able to weasel out of those messes. Darin didn’t think Ridahne would let them leave without some sort of punishment. The young human didn’t think that she wanted to let them leave either. She just didn’t want to do something that would permanently affect their lives. That would leave a bad taste in her mouth. Though she did need a new shirt. While the shirts the two men were wearing looking to be a bit big for her it was a start. She had to wonder if stealing from them was the best course of action though. Her Mama was fond of saying two wrongs did not make a right. Darin agreed with that for the most part, but then turned around and stole a dog from an abusive owner. So, she wasn’t sure she could say she lived by that principle. It wasn’t like stealing their shirts would put them in any worse shape than they were already in. The human had a feeling that the Elf wanted to take fingers; or maybe even whole hands. Darin wasn’t sure she could handle crippling them for life. She also knew they could leave them unpunished. The Seed was not reacting. One of these day Darin felt like she was going to stumble off a metaphorical cliff. Darin spoke simply, “I do need a new shirt, and I’m sure they have other useful things on them. We can do to them like they would do to us.” Now here came the tricky part. The two of them, Darin and Ridahne, were traveling under the guise that the human was the Elf’s apprentice. As such, to others, it needed to appear as if the warrior had the last word. Darin wasn’t sure that was actually the case. She was fairly positive that she had the last word. She couldn’t say that out loud though, and even the thought of that made her queasy. She had never been in charge of anything before. Well, she was now. She might as well act like she knew what she was doing. Maybe if she acted longer enough, she would finally figure it out. Somehow, she didn’t think that was the case, but Darin could and would hope that was the case. Darin suddenly had a thought, “Wait! Make sure they don’t have any bugs or anything before taking clothing. I don’t need to wake up with flea bites every morning.”