[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190406/a4d968893c034ea4a3f68c546ed6b1ba.png[/img] Merida had been watching the newcomer since they had appeared on the horizon. She had managed to phase out of the conversation the others were having, having already worked out how she would get by, missing Pheobus' last comment. She watches like a hawk as they approach, giving Angus a playful nudge as the horse comes into better view, Angus making a slightly perturbed noise in return. Once Mulan finishes addressing the newcomer, Merida speaks up. "I am Merida, Princess of DunBroch and this is Angus, my noble companion," she says welcomingly, or as much as she can with a Scottish accent. "Welcome to our humble... resting area, right next to a city," she adds with a slight hint of annoyance in her tone, "feel free to join us if you see fit."