Rhazii's shoulders dropped and he poked out his lower lip. He had expected an answer like that. "As useful as the flexibility of fighting in the line and having magic at my disposal is," Janius said. "I think raw physical power will be most helpful against the likes of a Daedric horde. I'll learn to wear dragon bones in beast form." Fendros and Sabine turned their eyes to Janius with some surprise at his quick decision. He eyed them back for a moment, and then shrugged. "Okay, I will admit, I am [i]slightly[/i] biased by the prospect of looking as formidable as Meesei here." "Are you sure you want to treat the decision so lightly?" Fendros asked. "I will wear the scales," Sabine spoke over them both, addressing Valgar confidently. "Just for my Breton form. If it is as light as you say. And if we have time to enchant it to help us." Fendros looked to Sabine now. He felt like the only one who was conflicted.