[@Eviledd1984] The detective retrieved the phone and stared silently at Hayato for a few tense moments, like a predator stalking prey. [color=steelblue]”You know, we have vampires here in Redhaven. Lot of ‘em. It’s hard to see your hometown get ravaged by monsters. One in particular has been really troubling me.”[/color] she took the folder from the bottom of the small stack beside her and opened it. Inside were pictures of dead faces, each dated from within the last few months. [color=steelblue]”No bites, but it’s a vampire behind it; heavy blood loss and comparatively small wounds. Weirdest part? Every corpse we find has ruptured eardrums. Serial vampiric murder; imagine what people would do for whoever caught ‘em?”[/color] She slid the evidence back into the folder and set it atop the legal pad. [color=steelblue]”You know, not to burden you with what’s on my mind. We’re done here. I’ll keep this,”[/color] she ran her fingertips along the side of the paper. [color=steelblue]”and you just think about what I said. Think of it as being let off with a warning.”[/color]