Valgar nodded back at Sabine. "Of course. Now I'm, uh, no expert on something like magic, but it's my understanding that these bones are ripe for enchanting. Naturally, you can choose whatever magic you want to put in them. I'll leave that to experts like you." "In that case, I think I'm of the same mind as Sabine." Ahnasha commented. "While it would be wonderful to be a dragon-armored werewolf, we need to think carefully about how we want to approach the battles [i]we're[/i] going to be taking. This armor is going to be incredibly useful, but it does mean that none of us will be free to transform unless we're prepared to lose it. So, we need to decide this now. I think a mixed composition between our normal and lycan forms would work best. We're probably going to be taking on special objectives more than we're on the frontline, so the versatility will help us. We should think about what kind of balance would help us most as a team Myself, I think I bring the most to the table with access to my magic, so I'll take light armor for my normal form." There had been some hesitation from Kaleeth, but Ahnasha's perspective made her realize that the choice for her was rather obvious. "Then I will probably need heavy armor for a werecrocodile. If it's really as strong as you say, then it could let me be very aggressive. Even more than normal, especially if you can enchant it to help protect me against magic. I could charge into enemy formations and disrupt them without too much risk. I know the rest of you can do a lot to take advantage of that."