I am now using a proper device and can express proper gratitude for expressing interest to the both of you. [@One Who Tames] I can elaborate on the system I planned now. It could also attract other people and help iron out potential flaws, so I'll detail it now. [hr] The system I propose is the one I call the Blight and Virtue Axis. Players will have x points to spend at the beginning to split between their Blights and their Virtues. 0 in either would mean that the character for all intents and purposes is completely normal as a human being; pure in heritage without any power or curse to call their own. Dice will play a role in the growth and decay of Virtues and Blights, as well as combat between players and adversaries of similar levels. Blights are pre-made curses of sorts that advance the more points a character has into them; the higher the value of the Blight score, the more afflicted they become in exchange for more abilities and attributes. An example blight (that may now have to be in the RP) is one that grants power but strips away memories from the user. At 1 Blight the character would likely have forgotten obscure details about a relatively important childhood event, but could probably (insert low level D&D class ability here). At (insert value above 100) the character would be an amnesiac without the ability to gain any new memories, but could very much be considered an equal to one of the godlike beings of the world. Blight can be lost as events unfold. Virtues are more straightforward, and can even be a concept. Let's use the virtue of technology as an example. With 1 point in Virtue (Technology) the character would be able to use technology to deal damage to characters and individuals that is leagues better than someone without a virtue, however, they would also be more proficient in the skills relating to those pieces of technology. They would be better at making pieces of technology, repairing it, and so on. Virtues, like blight, can be lost as events unfold. [hr] I will divulge more of the setting if you or other people ask for it [@One Who Tames] and [@Finris]. I'm just hesitant due to not knowing the site or if other people would be interested in the setting.