Ali awoke on the floor after being thrown from the chair where she was watching her show. She scrambled to her feet and raced to the helm! Frantic to find out what happened and why! Swearing if those jerks at the last port stripped off a part she would make them pay for a new ship and bigger than this floating escape pod! Ali's fingers raced across the control panel flipping switches and pressing buttons to get answers as to what the hell happened! The cyborg turned it all on and started a full system check! At the same time she had the ship sensors do a hardcore search of the immediate grid. The system panel surprisingly came back all green. No holes venting air, no damage to structural integrity, no fires detected, computer core was intact, electrical systems ...were running on emergency backups! Ali hit the panel and the levels stayed the same, empty! Diagnostics showed a 600% drain on the system in a matter of seconds! Just as she was about to investigate that the computer beeped with the results of the sensor information. "Location unknown... Charts do not conform to sensor information." "Vessel unknown.... composition, faction unknown, propulsion unknown." Bowing her head at the situation Ali extended the solar panels just in case, followed by the SOS emergency broadcast for assistance. She wasn't sure that the ship would be able to understand the message or even help. All she could do was try. Her ship was adrift and the energy she was now using drained the three day backup she originally never thought would ever be used. After all the core had a half life of ten thousand light years. If the ship didn't answer the hail then The girl would shut it all down except life support and wait for more information being compiled by the main computer after a few day recharge. As the return signal came from the unknown space craft she hesitated before opening a comm line to the other vessel. "This is the Galactic Nexus class ship, the Iccuras. Requesting aid, after suffering a severe power loss." Ali ended the transmission even though there was certainly more to communicate. The reply was more important.