[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190516/45615d88e835fe6ecca3ba163e2690a0.png [/img][/center][hr][color=7bcdc8]“Might wanna slow down, Champ. You’ll get sick,”[/color] Jane warned, the inside of her eyebrows turned upwards as she watched Vinnie gorge himself from the platter. The young woman was leaned back in her seat, absentmindedly picking at a piece of pita, popping each darkened bubble on its surface, but never bringing any to her mouth. Her eyes had been glued to the television screen just prior to it being shut off, hoping that a newscaster would appear with some breaking news about the situation. Rather, they each spewed the same script accompanied by the same video clips. Those sitting alongside her knew more than anyone at this point. The daunting, subtle message left by Kuso seemed to settle upon the table as he disappeared through the doors. It was an invitation, almost, and Jane was certain that there were others here willing to RSVP. There had been meetings before that caused her palms to grow damp as she arrived to them, but this was different. There was not a leader to pull them in one direction or another. What happened here would be entirely their responsibility. They had to call the shots now. [color=7bcdc8][i]Literally.[/i][/color] Jane scoffed to herself at her own sick humor. [color=7bcdc8]“Better watch your drink if you go pointing fingers like that,”[/color] Jane smirked as she referenced Alice’s knack for tainting edibles, shooting a wink to the young woman. Reika’s audacity hadn’t surprised her, but it did quickly alter the mood. They each would be on the defensive now. [color=7bcdc8]“I think we could very easily form a case for any of us sitting here. It’s not like any of us can boast a clean RAP sheet. Aggressively pushing and shoving is just gonna cause us to act irrationally and impulsively, though.”[/color] Jane brought herself forward, placing her folded arms onto the table. [color=7bcdc8]“We need to structure this somehow.” [/color]