And my second human! [hider=Noah Simmons][hr][hr][centre][img][/img][img][/img] [img],,/wingko.regular.png[/img][img],,/silly-aliens.regular.png[/img][hider=Faceclaim][img][/img][/hider][hr][hr][/centre] [centre][color=fff200][b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] [/color][/centre] At 5'11", Noah is tall and skinny, with a life spent pouring over computer screens and forgetting to eat has left Noah lacking any particular physical prowess. He cares about his appearance, but not for fashion, instead going after items representative of his own, occasionally odd, tastes irregardless of whether certain items actually look good or clash to the point of possibly causing an international incident. He also wears a [url=] medical alert bracelet[/url]. [centre][color=fff200][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color][/centre] 25 [centre][color=fff200][b][u]Occupation:[/u][/b][/color][/centre] Officially, field reporter for Cryptid Weekly, a surprisingly popular, but small US based publication dedicated to sightings of the strange and unusual. Unofficially, SEEKER OF THE TRUTH! [centre][color=fff200][b][u]Starting Location:[/u][/b][/color][/centre] A small town in Michigan, following up on a Wendigo sighting. [centre][color=fff200][b][u]History:[/u][/b][/color][/centre] As a child, Noah was obsessed with cryptozoology - anything strange, unusual, or possibly supernatural caught his eye. He would spend hours in front of the TV with his Nan watching documentaries about ghosts, aliens, folkloric creatures such as the wendigo and the kraken. Whilst his parents were concerned, they put it down to childish fascination, something he would surely grow out of with time. He didn't. He started writing a blog, 'Catalogue of the Weird' at the age of around 15, dedicated to cryptozoology, which garnered not insignificant attention from interested parties. Around the same time, he started realistically thinking about how he could pursue a career that aligned with his particular interests, and ended up at Imperial College London studying biochemistry, with a view to becoming involved in astrobiological research groups active in the university. Around the same time, his blog had started to pick up steam, something which his supervisor soon picked up on. He was taken aside, and 'had words with', told in no uncertain terms that if he wanted to be accepted as a serious scientist, he would need to 'drop the kooky conspiracy theories'. He took to the internets that same night, and wrote a long blog post ranting about 'eliteism' and 'pressures to conform' - the final nail in the coffin of any potential career in research. It was then that he was approached by the editor of 'Cryptid Weekly', who'd read his blog, and wanted to hire him as one of their reporters. Noah jumped at the chance, packing up his life in Portsmouth and moving to be closer to the Boston-based publication. He has been working there for about 2 years, and whilst the pay isn't [i]fantastic[/i], he likes his job and coworkers enough to make up for it, even if he is haunted by a nagging frustration. [/hider]