Claude was briefly distracted as the bus pulled in for a stop, taken in by the majestic lake. Then she looked back down to the cat. Nope. There was no way she could let it run around the untouched wilderness. Small little thing would get ate or starve to death. Little baby had to be an inside cat for a while before she could get it back to civilization. So, gathering up her bags and digital camera under her arms she reached forward and gingerly picked the cat up. Cradling it in her arms she jumped over the side of the bus and landed with a thump on the ground outside. It was a good thing too, because the first thing that happened was a wild predator running up to Mr. Called waiting arms. She tried to hold the animal a little higher as the bus drove off. "Yep, definitely an inside cat. Can't allow cattibalism. That would ruin the whole trip." She said as she started toward the cabin. [@datadogie]