Rage, blinding rage was building up. Only to be squashed by a feeling of shame once he saw that marking on her body. It wasn't a new feeling, but it burned all the same. While in his humble thought, nothing hurt worse then getting his Tattoo's all over his body this was a close second. Looking up at the woman dead in the eye and giving her enough respect not to look away or huff the Monster stood up and then, to many this might be a shock, infront of the woman and droped to both knees planting his head on the ground with his hands to the side of his head. His Malice was still quite thick in the air as the Hex burned away in the corner, the soft burning of the candles and hissing of the dark flames leaving the eye sockets of the skull. With out lifting his head Nebel spoke, more dead then alive at this point as his mind told him who he was in front of once more. [color=aba000]"Ich heiße Nebel Asteri Mesanychta! Der Albtraum von Ispar."[/color] Keeping his head down Nebel kept his body clam as his Malice leaked off him. Fear wasn't an emotion he felt often, unless his enemies felt it, but right now he felt something even worse then fear, the disappointment in his actions or rather inaction. He tried that night he left his home, he really did, but the King wouldn't hear him. It seemed his atempts to save the people he respect failed and the proof was currently standing before him baring the mark of both his pride and shame. Lifting himself back up to full height with both feet planted on the ground Nebel looked down at the Woman, his lower face showing no emotion but if she could of seen his Yellow eyes, she might of seen the shame and guilt that stung his soul. He was about to say things he wish he couldn't but knew he had a duty to say. Taking a deep breath Nebel went over and grabbed his chair and set it infront of her only to take a seat himself. [color=aba000]Setz dich, ich habe eine Geschichte zu erzählen und ich werde nicht schön sein. Erstens bin ich kein Attentäter. Ich würde niemals einen deiner Namen verletzen. Ich würde mich zuerst für den Tod brandmarken, bevor ich überhaupt daran dachte, so etwas zu tun"[/color] As he spoke, emotion slowly started to come to his normally dead voice. And it was nothing short of shame. [color=aba000]"Ich bin sicher, Sie kennen mich als jemanden des Okkulten. Einer, der mit dem Jenseits geht und mit den Toten spielt. Aber was ich getan habe, war zum Wohle unseres Volkes! Aber nein, ich bin, wie Sie sagten, ein namenloser Jäger geworden. Auch um Ihre Frage zu beantworten. Brich mir den Hals und es wird nicht aufhören. Ein Hex ist nach dem Start autark.[/color] Leaning back in his chair Nebel looked deeper into the Woman's eyes. His hollow eye sockets showing nothing but his body language perhaps saying something as he seemed to relax slightly into the seat. [color=aba000]"Es mag kalt sein oder vielleicht nicht mein Platz, aber ich muss fragen. Wie wurden Sie von ihnen angeworben? Oder haben Sie zuerst weitere Fragen?"[/color]