[center][img]https://josephdavidquinton.typepad.com/.a/6a0167630b2a88970b017d41006bc2970c-320wi[/img][/center] [center][h3][b]Welcome![/b][/h3][/center] Please, take a seat and make yourself comfortable. No, not there! Use the chair right here by me. Can I get you something to drink whilst we chat? Coffee? Tea? A serving of frothing Red Bull in a chilled glass? Ah, excellent choice, excellent choice. Now then... Where shall we begin? Oh, where are my manners? I ought to introduce myself properly to you before all else. I suppose that, then, should be an acceptable segue into clarifying what exactly I am looking for and if we would be a good match for each other. Here is your drink, by the way—you'll find no finer concoction of caffeine and sucrose anywhere else. [list][*]My name, as you probably already know, is Blitz. I'm flexibly open to any possible nicknames, though. I'm an early-twenties male living comfortably within the Eastern Standard Timezone of the United States (now on Daylight Savings Time, of course). The time zone in which I reside is liable to some change, but currently that will not be likely within the foreseeable future. [*] My scheduling can range anywhere between being free to the point of boredom to being so busy that piercing my brain with knives would be a refreshing means of relaxation. In this moment, my schedule is more or less free but that will most likely change in the near future. Of course I, as your potential roleplaying partner, will try my best to inform you of any happenings in my life that affect my availability, planned or unplanned.[/list] Hmm... It feels a bit strange that I could present an entire personal introduction in just two bullet points. Well, if I left something out that requires an answer, simply ask and you shall receive. Next, I will outline what exactly I am seeking with this interest check thread. I advise that you read this section carefully, or at least more carefully than the section above, because I suspect that what I am looking for may differ to some degree from what others in the 1x1 section desire, and the last thing either of us needs is a misunderstanding. [u][b]Why I Write[/b][/u] I joined the Guild and, by extension, posted this interest check for two overarching reasons. One, I wish to become a better writer. As we all know, writing like any skill is a muscle that must be exercised in order to grow. Sure, I could sit down and write out a subpar novel on my own, but... well, that leads me to the second motive. It's difficult to go the gym on your own all the time—it's much more motivating and fun to have a partner or a group to go with. In other words, I'm here to enjoy myself and write with others so that we may improve together while having a good time in the meantime. [u][b]What I Seek in a Roleplay[/b][/u] I want to craft a story with you. I want to write something that's just as engaging to write as it is to read it over again. I want to craft memorable characters and exciting plots alongside you, bounce ideas off each other and then plunge our characters into strange situations to see how they react and how it drives the story forward. I want our work to be a true collaboration, you see. And so, because of this, there is an important point I wish to clarify for you: the sex. Unfortunately, my personal rules for this subject matter are not clear-cut or well-defined. In most cases, I do prefer a "fade to black" scenario, because I believe that the actual writing of the smut adds very little if anything to a story that cannot already be portrayed in the build-up to such lewdness or in any kind of sexual tension. That said, as acknowledged in my use of "in most cases," there are exceptions to this, in which case I would be okay with writing out such things. In any case, such limitations only apply to the actual doing of the act (so to say); I am a huge fan of romance, inappropriate humor and jokes, as well as sexual tension, sexual frustration, sexual confusion, and any other such [sexual + "mental discomfort"] parameters. As far as genres go, I do have my preferences, but if you come to me with an interesting idea outside of my comfort zone and can aptly lobby for it, I will more than likely give it a try before informing you of my invested interest of lack thereof. Later on, I will provide a list of general premises from which you can probably deduce the kinds of genres I prefer. It is also worth mentioning that I am not very into fandom RPs. This is mostly because I don't watch enough anime/shows to know about most fandoms, honestly. The only show I know best (but still haven't even finished) is Naruto, so... Take that as you will. [b][u]Medium and Communication[/u][/b] I prefer to keep my roleplays here, especially (but not strictly) within the PMs. However, I do enjoy active real-time prose collaboration, in which I am willing to use GoogleDocs, TitanPad, or some other site like that, after which I will probably affix whatever was written to the original PM/thread. This way, we are free to add to the story at our own leisure, with room for active collaborative efforts in between. Furthermore, if you find at any point during the writing process that you hate what we're doing or don't like the direction we're going in, just tell me. It will not hurt my feelings. We can try to work out a new idea, a new plot/story, or we can simply go our separate ways—whatever works. I also understand, however, that life is busy and/or confrontation is difficult, so if you stop replying all of a sudden, I won't be upset either; I'll assume you lost interest or are taking a Guild hiatus (we've all been there). [b][u]Writing Level[/u][/b] Contrary to what the length of this interest check may suggest, I am most comfortable working at casual-level writing. This is because I notice my quality tends to decay the more I try to stretch things out in a post. However, this heavily depends on my level of inspiration and where we are in a story. I may crank out a whole brick of text or a few paragraphs of prose. I, like many others, am also prone to some spelling or syntax errors here and there but I will try to keep these incidences to a minimum and to amend them as soon as I (or you) catch them! Now, active collaboration is a different story. Since we'll be working together to write something larger-than-normal together, I think one- or two-liners are perfectly okay (especially during dialogue-heavy moments), because in the end they add up to something big. Take the following fabricated excerpt for example (authors denoted in different colors). [hider=Collaboration Example] [color=yellow]Gareth glared down at her, his eyes brimming with rage and contempt. The tip of his sword was pressed against her neck and a crimson trickle emerged from beneath the steel. One swift move would spell out the end her life.[/color] [color=green]"Do it," Ursa growled hoarsely. "I know you won't."[/color] [color=yellow]Gareth shut his eyes. He knew she was right. Why was she always right?[/color][/hider] [h3]Some Story Genres[/h3] Now for the good bit. As mentioned previously, I want to write a fleshed-out story so I'm afraid I am not [i]super[/i] keen on doing strict pairings. But since you've come here as a guest, I do owe you some ideas at the very least for you to peruse. [hider=Lowish Fantasy] [b]Plot Motivations[/b] Fantasy plots are flexible given the nature of this genre. This can be a quest of some sort, a rescue mission, exacting revenge, slaying a dragon, saving the world... etc.[/hider] [hider=Modern or Realistic] [b]Plot Motivations[/b] These plots are a bit more restricted to the realm of plausible realism, but still quite enjoyable to write out. Ideas include but are not limited to: high school/college/work drama as it relates to love/relationships, mental illness, death of loved ones, moving to a new city, getting fired from your job, waking up next to a stranger after a night of partying... etc.[/hider] Urban Fantasy Mystery (Murder or otherwise) Futuristic/Post-Apocalyptic Historical (disclaimer: I am not a huge history buff) Horror The last few genres are more difficult to generate plot motivations for (on their own), and so I am completely open to discussing ideas with you if any of them catches your eye. These are purposefully lacking; to reiterate, I want to build the meat of the plot together! Have you finished your drink? Excellent. No, I'll take your glass. Well, I hope you enjoyed this little chat. If you're interested in writing with me please shoot me a PM, as it may slip my mind to check here for comments. So long!