[@Eviledd1984] Detective Merit’s face fell from a false pleasantness to pure irritation. [color=steelblue]”I want you to do it right now. I want you to walk out of this station and look in every fucking nook and cranny for this monster. I need someone to keep looking, and you should thank your lucky stars I can need you, or I wouldn’t have wasted my time here.”[/color] She hit a button on the office phone beside her without shifting her gaze. She pulled the legal pad out of the pile and removed the paper Hayato had written on, and put it in an empty folder. [color=steelblue]”So find this creature for me, and maybe if you keep it quiet I won’t fax this to ICE. Here.”[/color] she returned the flip phone to him just as the female cop from earlier returned. [color=steelblue]”No one is pressing charges, we’re done here. Could you escort Mr. Nijimura to the door?”[/color] the detective asked her calmly.