1,5 hours into YIIK. I love this game for every reason I shouldn't. Its terribly written, gaudy, full of minor graphical errors that add up, nonsensical use of present and past tense, the combat is inconsistent and terrible and overall it's a really terrible time to be had with a videogame. Everyone should play this game, it's so fun to tear it apart while being so little fun to play. I mean, seriously, I still don't get whether this is happening as a flashback or in real-time as the game's contradicting itself at every step. Also random shit just happens with no explanation sometimes, other times with no reaction but most of the time with both. Seriously, I still don't know why Panda was where he was, how he can talk, where the fuck he's being stored or who he even is. He just shows up randomly as an item and I'm doubtful the game's ever going to explain him at the rate we're going. Everyone should play YIIK. It's so bad it's good.