"Well, just a new experience, I suppose." Callum replied, and returned her smile, "Bit far from home." The girl who introduced herself as Xanara imposed a certain sort of confidence around her, like she knew to be here, unlike Callum. Had it not for the clothes, Callum would have guessed she was a staff busily ushering students to and fro. She had a rather exotic face, clearly indicating her origins from far away. His family would have deemed her unpure, and just being in here would make them turn up their nose. Which meant that him being here was just a middle finger to them. Maybe coming here wouldn't be too bad then. Yeah, screw it, old man. Callum straightened from his usual slightly slouching pose, her self-assured posture a reminder to stop this bad habit. "I assume, though, not as far from yours?" [@Random Kitty]