[h2]Kellin Caen[/h2] "I dunno if I'd be quite so poetic about it, but I gue-" The response had slipped from his lips before he'd even realized it, and certainly before his eyes had fallen on the young woman that had taken a place beside him. He stopped mid sentence and looked at the girl for a moment before nervously glancing back through the glass, the faintest glow of pink crossing his cheeks. He cleared his throat and by the time he'd turned back to look at Yukie his features had rearranged themselves into a delicate smile. "It really is beautiful, isn't it? Imagine what it looks like close up!" The soft, sincere smile widened into a cheerful grin as he slowly extended a hand toward the strange girl. "My name's Kellin! Last name's Caen, but don't worry about that much, we're not a famous family or anything, so just Kellin's fine." The sun gleamed through the glass, casting warm light on the boy's dark brown hair. The warm lighting and the big smile helped to distract from his sickly complexion. His other hand still rested on his staff, which currently stood about waist-high, a smooth, featureless rod of shiny grey metal. Surprisingly, his anxious tapping had stopped. As he talked, he looked over the young woman next to him. He pegged her for a foreigner immediately. The exceedingly long hair and snowy complexion had hinted as much, but the way she spoke and carried herself gave her away completely. "So what about you, what's your name? First time in Cresia?" He'd met plenty of foreigners back in Alst: refugees, travelers, merchants, he'd met all sorts of people from all sorts of places, but he couldn't place the stranger's origin... but he was still going to guess. "Let's see, you're from..." He brought a slender finger to his lip, feigning deep thought. A sly smile cut across his face. "Hmmm... somewhere cold. Up north! Osuun maybe, out in the mountains?" He shook his head. "Nope. Surely not Verholt?" While he tried to wager a guess out of Yukie's reaction, he noticed the stark shift in color as the sunlight struck her eyes. [i]'Well that's... different.'[/i] He imagined he'd be thinking that a lot. [@Indra]