[hider=Maria Abigail Tepes][hr][center][color=fff79a][b]Personal Information[/b][/color][/center][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/jObX2LL.jpg[/img] [color=fff79a]"Won't you play with me?"[/color][/center] [color=fff79a]Full Name:[/color] Maria Abigail Tepes [color=fff79a]Gender:[/color] Female [color=fff79a]Age:[/color] 18 [color=fff79a]Height:[/color] 156cm [color=fff79a]Weight:[/color] 45kg [hr][center][color=fff79a][b]Background Information[/b][/color][/center][hr] [color=fff79a]History:[/color] Born to a rather obscure noble family in Warraqia, she wasn't at all that rich, but still, she did not want for much. Not that there was much she wanted, for mostly she desired to sate her cruel desires. Her servants were utterly terrified of her, for her cruel games and sadistic nature. Her family of course, simply let her indulge in her desires, only telling her off should she go too far, for good servants were hard to find. One day, they took her to an arena, on a simple pretense that she needed to go out, though it was actually to alleviate the servant's suffering. It was then that she saw the spectacle of the bloody arena, the violence inflicted for sport, the sheer atmosphere of adrenaline and excitement in the air. Since then she has been frequenting the arena, and inflicting much less pain upon her servants, which both relieved and worried her parents. It was then that she met him, a large hulking man who seemed to brutalize through his every fight with ease.Without even a second thought, she purchased him as a slave for herself. Oddly enough, afterwards she hardly ever went out of her way to torture or play cruel games upon any of the servants. Her parents and siblings took it as a sign that she was growing up, while the servants merely sighed with relief that none of them would be cruelly harrassed. Noting that the man Maria had purchased seemed to be bloodied at times, her father assumed the man was also teaching her to be calmer in some ways, and made him her personal guard, considering she took him with her a lot. [color=fff79a]Brief Personality:[/color] Pleasant, polite and genuinely friendly, but has a sadistic streak a mile wide. Tends to view people as objects at times, and finds anguished screams exciting to hear. Can and will do anything she deems necessary. [color=fff79a]Emotional Bond:[/color] Master and Servant. [color=fff79a]Partner:[/color] Heinrich Von Allen [hr][center][color=fff79a][b]Celestial Potential Information[/b][/color][/center][hr] [color=fff79a][b]Focus concept: Impalement and Sacrifice[/b][/color] [color=ed1c24][color=fff79a][i]Spell list:[/i][/color][/color] [color=fff79a]Name:[/color] Spike [color=fff79a]Function:[/color] Materializes a pike or spear of up to 3 m in length in a 10 m radius around her. She can only materialize of up to 3 at a time, with a space of 1 second between each materialization, and can only materialize them on surfaces that she can see. Starts to tire her out exponentially if she materializes them too fast and too much. Can tap into Heinrich's pain to power it, meaning she can accelerate her summoning of it by a factor of two if she uses both her stamina and his pain, but she can also just use his pain to power it normally without using up her own energy. Numbs Heinrich's pain when used. Note:she can't control what comes out from this ability, so different sorts of pikes or spears may come out. [color=fff79a]Name:[/color] Spike Volley [color=fff79a]Function:[/color] Spike generated pikes or spear can be picked up as if it was but a mere feather, and fly when thrown as if from a balista. Pike or spears cannot be used again after throwing. Can sheathe itself in magical energy powered by Heinrich's pain, creating a small explosion where it hits. Numbs Heinrich's pain when used. [color=fff79a]Name:[/color] Pain Resonance [color=fff79a]Function:[/color] Pain inflicted on her can be used to resonate with Heinrich's pain, healing them both at the same time. Heals them slowly but surely, as long as both of them feels pain. Numbs Heinrich's pain when used. [hr][center][color=fff79a][b]Miscellaneous Information[/b][/color][/center][hr] [color=fff79a]Likes:[/color] Pain, the suffering of others, knives, Heinrich, blood, savoury pastries, dogs. [color=fff79a]Dislikes:[/color] Sweet pastries, being dirty, odd novelty clocks, a singular piece of clothing that has more than two colours on it, wigs, bees. [color=fff79a]Hobbies:[/color] Inflicting any sort of physical pain to people. [color=fff79a]Character Theme[/color]: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRyPhaQRGq8]Theme[/url] [color=fff79a]Other:[/color] Has an odd habit of licking her lips when thinking hard about anything.[/hider]