[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/EILduqP.png[/img][/center] “[color=rosybrown]How are you feeling?[/color]” Illyana asked, moving her burrito away from her mouth, and turning her body slightly towards the green-clad man next to her. It had been a couple of hours since the conflict atop the apartment building. They sat on the edge of the same roof that they had first met upon earlier that night, their legs dangling precariously off the side and over the street below. From their position, they had a perfect view of the apartment building, which now matched the rest of the dark red hues of the Gotham skyline. Now that Marcosa had been taken care of, his magic had faded and all had returned to normal. The building's residents had no clue as to what had happened. Many theories had echoed around them regarding how they'd found themselves atop the neighboring roofs; some blamed a gas leak in the basement that had caused them to all hallucinate, while others even went so far as to blame the Scarecrow, the psychotic villain of old. Never did it occur to them that magic had been in play here. Despite the capes and the cowls that protected the Earth, the people of Gotham kept their eyes to the ground, never thinking of just opening their eyes to the impossible. That didn't matter too much to Illyana though. It gave both her and Ragman the chance to get out of there without having to answer too many questions. As well as ample time for the pair to find something greasy and disgustingly unhealthy to dig into. “[color=DarkOliveGreen]I'll be honest; I feel like shit. But then that's how I always feel after adding another soul to the suit.[/color]" It was clear to see that Ragman was absolutely exhausted. His mask was pulled up to the top of his head, revealing his five o'clock shadow and large bag under each eye. His eyes seemed to be dropping slightly, as if he were about to stumble into a deep sleep, however with each bite of his burrito he seemed to find himself slightly more rejuvenated. "[color=DarkOliveGreen]I know it's hard to believe, but contrary to popular belief, people don't like having their souls sucked out their bodies and trapped in a suit of rags for all eternity. So they kick up a bit of a fuss when they first get in there.[/color]” He took another bite of burrito before continuing. "[color=DarkOliveGreen]This though... This is definitely helping.[/color]" Illyana let out a chuckle. It was good to laugh after everything that had happened tonight. She admired that about Ragman. However, his jokes could only temporarily distract her from thoughts rocketing through her head right now. The things she had seen within her "room" continued to shake her to her core. The red of Belasco's face still haunted her. The eyes. His teeth. At that moment, Illyana realised just how scared she was of him. "[color=rosybrown]Rags... About Vhat you saw vin the room...[/color]" She began slowly, her voice almost a whisper. Talking about things like this was tough. It always had been for her. It made her feel like the small child she has been in her dream. Like she had been ever since she was taken from her home. Rory stopped to look at her as she spoke. There was a kindness in his tired eyes. Despite how clearly he was struggling right now, he was there for her. "[color=darkolivegreen]That's who your hunting right? The person you were seeing me as.[/color]" She nodded. "[color=rosybrown]His name is Belasco. That was around vhen he... vhen he took me. He took me down to Limbo and tortured me for years.[/color]" Her throat grew dry as the words came pouring out, yet she powered through, taking something out of her she didn't know she had left to give. "[color=rosybrown]Since escaping I've tried to ignore it. Push the pain avay. Strange's training vas a good distraction... But sometimes it all comes back and I just...[/color]" She broke. Tears began to stream down her face, blackening as they hit her mascara. Her hands shook, nearly dropping her food onto the street below. Once more she felt like that little girl, her entire body trembling. Like a helpless child calling for her mother. A brief feeling of warmth told her that Rory had embraced her, however, that did nothing to curb the emotions pouring out of her. She sobbed into her chest unceasingly, hands clutching at the rags of his suit. He held her in silence, the two rocking back and forth slowly as her tears and mascara soaked his chest. A tiny lapse let him pull away, allowing Illyana to see his face. He was smiling. The same smile he had given Illyana during her dream when trying to calm her down. The smile of a friend. "[color=darkolivegreen]Looks like you have your first recruit. Let's go burn Limbo to the ground.[/color]" He mused, before smirking. "[color=darkolivegreen]Just please promise me that we're not asking that Constantine asshole.[/color]" Her laughter cut through the tears slightly. "[color=rosybrown]I promise.[/color]"