I think I can safely say that my go to genre is fantasy. High, medium, low. With or without magic. Tolkienesque or new-made, completely out there world. Modern supernatural and historical genres fit in with this pretty nicely, and I can easily expand to romance or adventure or whatever the heck people want, but I'm rarely satisfied if there isn't at least some smidgeon of not quite Earth tucked in between the layers. I don't necessarily think that it's because I don't want to write about the things in this world, given as I'll often appropriate something useful to stick into a different world, and there's so many interesting aspects of Earth I couldn't possibly write them off as not worth considering, but I love world building too much to have nothing to do with all my extra ideas. But something I do enjoy about the less out there stories are that rather than concerning myself with world description, I can focus very readily on character development. Not to say that one eclipses the other, but when I don't have as much work to do on the one side, then of course I'll be dividing my focus less. So, I guess I could also stick slice of life in there, though when I actually look up the genre, it tends to confuse me. But yeah, fantasy with slice of life moments is probably my favourite.