[@SimpleWriter] Yeah, Mind Reading has always been troublesome for a lot of GM’s, so I’m willing to work stuff out. For starters my character has to see the person’s eyes in order to establish a link, so anyone wearing sunglasses or masks can safely avoid his powers. But there is more to his powers than that I wanted to try. His quirk is called “Network”, which allows him to establish a sort of telepathic communication network with anyone who is willing to establish a connection with him. This requires him to stare into someone’s eyes for at least ten minutes, and he can only communicate with them if they want to and if they’re awake. But aside from that he can communicate with them via mind reading anywhere at any time. Others within the Network can also communicate with each other. His powers don’t really have any obvious combat application, but they can provide a very crucial support function by allowing the heroes to always be able to communicate with each other as long as they’re conscious. However my character needs to reestablish the network every few days. If he doesn’t people will start having difficulty communicating with each other over the network and eventually simply lose connection.