[center][b]Nortiz - Dawn, Mirica[/b][/center] The raven laguez immediately went airborne as the elffire was cast. What was that idiot thinking? Had he purposely styled his hair like that and acted like this to further widen the divide between beroc and laguez (only beroc would be fooled by a simple hairstyle? Or was he just that oblivious? Gritting his beak, Nortiz prepared to grab either of the knights, the prince, or the best laguez if they didn't get out in time to escape the explosion on their own. The situation could give him an even better ticket for his investigation. Besides, he couldn't leave a fellow laguez behind and the prince and his escorts' actions made it so he owed them a little for trying (while keeping watch in case it was a ploy). Otherwise, he'd simply try to keep a bird's eye view on the group while not being too conspicuous.