Belrigger tapped his fingers on the marble table as he digested the words. Surely everything said just now was a fanciful delusion or some other folly of a lie to lure him from hiding but there was a nagging doubt in his usual confident demeanor. A child brought from the heavens.. Could they be trusted to speak truth when it did not suit them? Surely the attempt at a lie was expected, and the guards poised at every way out were nothing compared to the boys skill. Skill that Belrigger had trusted himself to give, freely. "I will not presume to say i understand. It has been a long time since there was a cause that could rouse me from my place. My people. My home. All that you see is all there is left, and you will put your faith in the testament of a curse you cannot explain." Rising from his seat as he stretched his arms and neck, Belrigger descended the stairs with heavy footfalls. Unarmored, unarmed, and unquestionably dangerous, he took to the floor just a few feet from Asthon and stared down at the boy with a mixture of pride and shame, as to what was uncertain. "Every emotion you feel is a candle guttering in the wind when compared to my shame. Ths city abandoned me, Asthon. It took what I held with honor and dragged it through the mud, erased my deeds, and destroyed my name. Fighting for what you believe.." He almost spat those words, such eas his apparent disgust. "You have at least earned a warriors chance." This city could burn to cinders and Belrigger, former Knight Captain, wouldn't have even bothered to piss on its ashes. The rulers and nobles were corrupted and dishonorable, destined to destroy their own holdings through arrogance. But his heart would not allow the idea of witches doing the job for them. Against such a foe, the Master of the Arena would die in defiance before facing his final judgement. It would take a stronger leader than him to save this city. "You will be rememberer, Ashton Brooks. Your name will be carved in the hearts and minds of every person who witnessed your defeat today." Charging ahead, Belrigger bellowed a warcry as he rushed to crush the boys skull with a heavy right, coming in with a furious uppercut from his left. The strikes were devilishly fast for a man of his size as he threw an endless wave of strikes to test Ashtons defense.