[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190519/8a76258f0fa7a64c9123d41709a46e86.png[/img][/center][center][sub][color=darkgray][color=white][b]::[/b] [/color]the streets of thorinn [color=white][b]//[/b] [/color] thorinn [color=white][b]::[/b][/color][/color][/sub][/center][hr] [indent]Alex's leather boots took frustrated steps as they paced around the town's stone roads, hitting the ground at uneven intervals as he was forced to move around herds of people slower than him. All this recent talk of death within the game had caused a surge in fear among the other players, and a desire to stay in the safer parts of the world. For Alex, the stress turned into an overwhelming feeling of irritation, one which he was desperate to quell. He wasn't used to being around so many people. The archer groaned at the realization that his favorite hunting spots were going to be taken and dried up. Maybe he could use his crafting skills as his main way to get by? He looked around, noting the dread and worry spread across a lot of people's faces. Nope, they [i]definitely[/i] didn't seem like the types to want birdhouses right now. The sight of a small girl that had been knocked to the ground caught his attention. He could tell she was a player, er, wayfarer, judging by the expression on her face. Alex had spent his days sticking to the safest parts of the game, enjoying it mostly for the crafting and exploration bits over anything else. Even so, he knew that other wayfarers were likely to have gone through quite the messes when the announcement had hit. He walked quickly towards the girl and called out to her, weaving through the crowd surprisingly well. [color=#87c735]"Hey, you alright?"[/color] he said. He'd sooner let a dragon or whatever monsters were in this world eat him than be one of those snobs who matched their speech with the atmosphere. He was going to speak the way he wanted to, even if it meant going against the image his neat and proper merchant's outfit gave off. There was no way that she was completely fine. Being shoved to the ground by some sleazebag? It would've been impossible for Alex to resist turning the man into a human pincushion had he been in that position. The girl's clothes reminded him of the kind of things someone affiliated with the drox would wear. If she really were a drox wayfarer, then Alex reasoned she'd be a good place to start with to get a team going. That and, he struggled to remember what the other affiliations stood for past the basics. The words hurried out of his mouth before he could really think about them. [color=#87c735]"You're a player too, right?"[/color][/indent] [hr]