Elric silently regarded each new arrival as they came to the entrance of the observatory. Though some of them introduced themselves, Elric did not reciprocate as of yet, merely watching each of the arrivals as they came. Finally, the eunuch returned to allow the knights into the presence of the Monks in their observatory. Apparently their company was complete. Elric looked over each of the men once more as they stepped through the door of the observatory: three men, himself included; one half-dwarf, if his size was any indication; and an elf. As he entered the observatory, Elric removed his helmet and held it under his right arm. He gave his full attention to the monks, and particularly to the one who appeared to be their leader, and listened to the quest that the monks wished to set before them. The quest seemed nearly impossible, and the rewards seemed too good to be true, but Elric trusted the visions of the monks, and he trusted the gods to guide him and his fellow knights on this quest, and so, when the monks asked if they accepted the quest, Elric stepped forward, giving the monks a respectful bow. "I, for one, accept the quest," he announced.