Hello! My name is LadyAnnaLee! I already have an interest check which can be found [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/175942-hello-any-one-for-a-role-play/ooc.com]here[/url], but I have some specific plots in mind so I figured I would do a new one. The old one is still valid if you want to check it out. You don’t have to. It’s just a thought. Anyways, since I don’t want you to have to look at the old one, here are my rules. Rules I [u][b]refuse[/b][/u] to break. 1. No sex! This is my number one rule for a reason. It makes me uncomfortable. I don’t mind gore or violence, but sex is a no go. If we start to head that way, I will call for a time skip. If that doesn’t work for you, I will call it off. If you are looking for sex, please look elsewhere. 2. No one liners. I like a paragraph at least. I aim for 400 to 1000 words. I know this isn’t always doable, so I don’t ask for it but, you should be able to give me at least a paragraph. Please and thank you. 3. No ghosting. Posting doesn’t happen every day. I get that I do. However, if we get to about a week with no response the person whose turn it is should be able to let their partner know if it will be a while. That’s just good manners. 4. No stressing. If our role play is causing you stress or you’re not having fun let’s just end it. I don’t want to be the reason anyone is stressing out. Life comes first. Role playing after. Here are a few things I’m willing to be a little more [u][b]flexible[/b][/u] on. 1. Spelling and grammar. I would like it if you at least took a spell checker to your posts. I don’t care too much about grammar. That being said, I make typos too, so I don’t expect perfection. 2. Characters. I prefer female OCs. I can play males but, you’ll have to be patient with me if I do. I just don’t have the practice. I don’t play nonOCs but, you can. Just don’t make them too OoC. I tend to make a new character for each role play unless there is one, I desperately want to play that will fit. I like character sheets but, I don’t really care about needing an image. A good description works just as well. 3. Romance. I like a good romance but, I need to know if that is what we are aiming for before we start. Personally, I identify as demi romantic, so I need time to prepare for it coming. Otherwise I’m caught off guard when the romance does show up and, my writing suffers as a result. Just fair warning. I don’t care what the genders are as long as they are not related and, both are consenting. No underage stuff either. 4. Language. I prefer we keep it PG13 but, I understand that sometimes only certain words are the only way to get the correct tone across. Just don’t start swearing in every post. 5. Be polite. At least in the OoC chat. I get that not all characters are polite but, that doesn’t mean we have to be rude to each other. In my experience things go better when people are nice. That doesn’t mean we have to agree completely. It just means we aren’t mean about it as we try to resolve our differences. Here are my plots. I currently have three in mind. [hider=The International Bureau of Immortals] The International Bureau of Immortals, or just the Bureau, was such a tightly kept secret that there weren’t any conspiracies about it. As the name suggests it is an organization of beings that did not die. Yes, immortality is real. There are even different kinds of immortality. The Bureau sent the immortal agents off to fight against the forces of the enemy. The exact identity of the enemy was vague at best. Some of the agents whispered that there was no real enemy; that it was all a game invented by some ancient immortal to stave away boredom. Some said they fought against agents of chaos. Some said the enemies were those who would end the world, and the Bureau could not have that. If the world ended that would mean that most of the immortals would die as well. After all, there was no such thing as true immortality. It was even in the Bureau’s motto: Memento Mori. Remember you will die. One immortal might be best with agelessness, but he could still be killed. Another immortal might be timeless, but still age. Eventually their mind would go, and when that happened even their involuntary functions would shut down. Some immortals would be what most humans called vampires. They did not age, it was difficult to kill them, but they could not make their own blood. As long as they had a supply of blood, they would be fine. Archer Zahl had a form of immortality not even the Bureau had even seen. She did not even call herself immortal. She called herself death- intolerant. She could be killed. She had been killed numerous ways. She always came back. Depending on how quickly she died the sooner she came back. It always took at least a week. Sometimes it took months. The time she had been burned to death as a witch it had taken her a whole year. She never came back in the same body. That body would remain in place. She always came awake in a body of salt water. Whatever forces keeping her alive would also build her a new body. They didn’t always get it right. Usually her hair and eyes were a different color thought the changes could be bigger. The time she came back as male had been interesting. She found the Bureau by accident and she had been dying for a long time at that point. She joined to stave of boredom. Archer has a nonchalant attitude to her death, and in the back of her mind she is hoping to find a method that will stick. The Bureau uses the fact that she is one of their only agents that has actually died to send her on mission that others will not touch for fear of dying. She had grown tired of dying at the enemies’ hands. Just because she can come back doesn’t mean dying is fun. She still feels pain. She still misses out on the world while she is reforming. She still wants to find a way to make it stick. She is far older than she lets on. She hasn’t aged much since the first time she has died. Then there is the fact that Archer is simply tired of the endless cycle of death and undeath. She still goes on the missions. She still goes home to the apartment the Bureau makes sure she doesn’t get kicked out of. She still tried to enjoy life. Each time she comes back she grows a little more tired. Archer is worried that one day she will just be tired of even trying. It is hard to connect to the world when she leaves it so frightfully often. Maybe she has a counter that is counting down. She wouldn’t know. She just knows that she has to do the next mission and then the next one and then the next one. It’s a cycle she knows she should probably break. It’s just easier not to fight it. Archer is so tired of fighting. I would be playing Archer. She’s an OC that I have had in the works for a while. You would be playing as her rookie partner, a new addition to the Bureau. I don’t care what their gender is, what their form of immortality is, or really anything about them. I’m trying to aim for a buddy cop story vibe or with a lot more grit. Other than that I have no idea what direction the story will take.[/hider] [hider=Broken in an Imperfect World] It’s simple biology. Everyone is an Alpha or an Omega. Sometimes a rare soul is a Beta. This is taught in every high school biology class in the world. Alphas are the protectors. They are stronger than Omegas. They keep the softer ones from harm. They are the providers. They are also more aggressive, harsh, and passionate. The Omegas are the caretakers. They are more compassionate than Alphas. They keep the tougher ones from trouble. They are also more timid, passive, and graceful. Betas fall some where in the middle. At least those are the stereotypes that have consumed the world for countless years. However, now, in the modern world, those stereotypes are crashing down around the Alpha Hierarchy. It’s not happening overnight, but slowly Omegas are gaining more rights in the workplace. Alphas are being allowed to express emotions without being mocked. Betas are being seen as something more than abnormal and strange. Still, somethings remain the same. Alphas biologically need control; especially when they randomly go into rut. Omegas still need to submit; especially during their quarterly heat. Prejudice still remains. Alex has never been in proper heat before. When their father discovered that they were an omega he decided he was doing to beat it out of his child. When that didn’t work the monster decided that the omega was only good for one thing. It was not pleasant for Alex. Alex’s reproductive system was broken, and even now, years after escaping, they do not feel sexual urges. Maybe it’s what their father did to him. Maybe they were just hardwired to be asexual. Who knows? The result is same the other way. Alex has next to no interest in sex. The problem is that as an omega they still need to go into subspace for their mental health. They had managed to avoid it, but if they don’t figure something out soon, they will just slip wherever they are. Too bad he doesn’t really have a solution. Please note that even though this is A/B/O there will still be no sex. Alex is asexual and will be staying ace. There will be no “fixing” them. This is meant to be a story about non-sexual submission. I will be playing Alex. You will be playing their Alpha. Which way you want to do that is up to you. Harems are traditional in this world so if you want to double up or triple up or whatever that’s okay. You don’t have to. I haven’t picked out a gender though I am leaning towards male, but if you rather they be female I can work with that. I will confess that I will be heavily invested into this one. I think I’m somewhere on the aro/ace spectrum, so I will be using this this to explore some personal stuff. If that bothers you, I understand completely.[/hider] [hider=Our Parents War] 20 years ago, the Magical Knights Everlasting Light and Consuming Darkness fought off the invading forces of the Chaos King. They saved the world from complete destruction. The world remembers their final battle every year one the Anniversary of the Battle of Balance. It was dazzling display as the brightness and the shadows worked in perfect harmony to defeat the Forces of Chaos that wanted to upset the fragile peace between two forces that relied so heavily on each other despite being so different. What the world didn’t know was that the two hated each other and after the final battle they agreed to never speak to each other. 20 years later the Chaos King has returned. Too bad the old Magical Knights can’t seem to find their old transformation amulets. There is still good news! There’s a new Everlasting Light and Consuming Darkness. Unbeknown to all four of the parties involve the new Everlasting Light is the child of the old Consuming Darkness while the new Consuming Darkness is the child of the old Everlasting Light. The two new warriors know each other identities, and unlike their parents they get along great! Maybe this battle won’t last as long. They don’t know that their parents were the old warriors and their parents have yet to find out their secret. That’s probably a good thing. If their parents ever found out they would lose it. This is supposed to be a light fluffy magical boy/girl story. The bad guys will lose. No one will die. Maybe the very last scene will be a chaste kiss. Will there be drama? Of course! Will victory for out heroes come easily? Probably not. I would still like to channel Precure, Sailor Moon, Shugo Charo, and Miraculous. I would like this to a story we’re both comfortable telling an elementary aged kid. As for characters I am totally willing to play opposite whichever one you pick. We will be playing opposites. One of us will play a male and the other will play a female. If you play the female their ex-hero parent will be male and vice versa. As for powers I have a few ideas in mind, but can bouce ideas off each other. There will be no hiding secret identities from each other. I won’t have it. They’ll hid from everyone else, but not each other. I imagine they are 15/16.[/hider] Alright! There you go! If you are interested send me a PM. I probably won’t see a response in this thread. Let me know which one you are interested it. If you have another idea in mind let me know. I look forward to getting to know you! I hope we can have tons of fun! Thank you for your time. LadyAnnaLee